There were flashes.
Noah carrying me. I could feel his heat. Feel his heartbeat.
“We need to get her to a hospital.”
“It’s okay, baby girl. I got you.”
“Like fuck you do.”
“What happened?”
“I dunno. She just started hyperventilating. Watson, start the truck.”
Car doors slammed. An engine roared.
“Hold on, baby girl. Just breathe.”
“What did you do to her?”
Spencer, he didn’t do anything.
“Go! Go! Go!”
“She didn’t tell you?”
A touch. A brush of a hand against my cheek.
“No. My God, Sienna. Why didn’t you tell me?”
Just one day. I just wanted one day.
The flashes fluttered, faded, and I drifted. There was nothing but black, my body weightless and mind void of any thoughts. It was just emptiness, silence, a faraway sound echoing in the distance. A steady rhythm coming closer, growing louder.
“You’re okay.”
My eyelids felt heavy as I forced my eyes open. “Noah?”
“Yeah. I’m here, baby girl.”
“Where are we?” My gaze swiveled along the room. Everything was white—white floors, white walls. The only color was the pale-yellow woven blanket that covered the white sheet draped over me. The smell of bleach and disinfectant filled my breath, triggering the thought. “Why am I in hospital?”
“You fainted.”
No.I tried to sit up and reached for my belly. “The baby—”
“Is fine.” He leaned over me, gently easing me back. “You’re both fine.”