Page 16 of To Hate You

“Spencer, chill the fuck out, man.” Silas slipped in next to me. “The last thing she needs right now is for you to tell her how she fucked up.”

Spencer paced again, practically fuming as he mumbled his disbelief. “Dad is going to freak the fuck out. And what about college?” He stilled. “What about Noah? He needs to know. He needs to get his ass here and take care of his fucking mistake.”

It was a sharp blade that sliced open my chest and punctured my heart. This time there was no stopping a tear from escaping. I sucked on my bottom lip, looking in the other direction so Spencer couldn’t see the hurt in my eyes. “Take care of his fucking mistake?” I bit out. “Is that what I am? A mistake?”

“You know that’s not what I meant. I meant this pregnancy. This baby is a mistake, and it’s not fair that he gets to live his life when you’re left to deal with the consequences of his mistakes.”

Silas let out a slow breath. “Spencer. Jesus, man.”

“No, I’m serious, Silas. Where is he, huh?” Spencer held out his arms. “Where is Noah while our sister has to take care of this?”

I balked and narrowed my eyes as I held my breath. “What do you mean take care of this?”

Spencer’s cold eyes glanced from Silas to me. “Please tell me you’re not thinking about keeping it.”

Anger shot through my veins, burning, my body shaking and shuddering with a wave of rage. My flesh tingled as I stepped up to Spencer, squaring my shoulders and trying to make myself taller so I could look him in the eye. “I made a mistake by falling for the wrong man. I made the mistake of trusting him. But I’ll be damned if you or anyone else calls this baby a mistake because of something I did.” I pushed myself up on my toes, my face so close to Spencer’s I could see the golden specs in his green eyes. “And just so we’re clear, I’m keeping this baby.”


“Don’t waste your breath.” I took a step back. “There is nothing you or anyone else can say that will change my mind.” My words cut through the toxic air around us, and my heart pounded. I loved both my brothers, and Silas was right. My relationship was different with Spencer—and that was how I knew Spencer would react like this.

“Do you have any idea the sacrifice you’re making?” Spencer’s eyes were hard as he regarded me, his expression tight and dark.

“Oh, I have a clue.”

“You’re throwing your entire fucking life away because you managed to get knocked up by a man you hardly fucking knew.”

“That’s enough!” Silas stormed forward and grabbed Spencer’s collar, his knuckles white as he pulled him close. “I know this is a shock to everyone, but you watch your fucking mouth when you speak to her.”

“Silas, stop!” I tried reaching for him, but he let go of Spencer with a jerk, stepping back.

“Keep your shit together, man.”

Wiping at a tear that lingered on my cheek, I turned my back on my brothers.

“Sienna,” Spencer called after me. “Come on. Where are you going?”


“We need to talk about this.”

He was wrong. The last thing I needed right now was to talk about this. What I needed was time away from all this.



Itexted Andrew and arranged to meet up at the coffee shop rather than him picking me up. I needed time to pull myself together.

An hour later I found him waiting for me outside Indulgence, the best coffee bar in town.

I walked up, hugging my coat tight. “You could have grabbed us a table while you waited.”

“I thought the gentlemanly thing to do was to wait so I could usher you in.” He shot me a playful grin, slipping his hands in his black jacket as he approached. His eyes narrowed. “You okay?”

“Yeah. Why?”

“You look like you’ve been crying.”