“Saint, don’t—”
He held up his hand. “Don’t worry, I’m not going back on my word. But I was hoping you’d change your mind and rather stay here on the yacht.”
I inched closer and rested my palms on his chest, his dress shirt soft against my palms. “I want to go with you, and I want to be at your side. Besides, you know how close children’s charities are to me.”
“Sì” he touched my cheek, “I do. I haven’t forgotten about the deal we made when all this started. I’ll keep my word, I promise.”
I merely nodded, and Saint walked off, disappearing below deck with James following suit to attend to business matters he had told me the night before he wouldn’t share with me. I was okay with that. I knew he was no angel. The man kidnapped me and forced me to marry him, so what else was he capable of doing? But after last night, I made the conscious decision to never press for any information or answers when it came to his business affairs. When he said it would add more complications to our already complicated situation, I believed him.
Elena sauntered by and smiled as she handed me a tumbler filled with a red drink and orange peel. “It’s such a beautiful day. Let’s enjoy a delicious Negroni and a little sun before we go get ready for tonight’s gala.”
“Sounds good to me.” If there was one thing I was absolutely beyond thankful for throughout everything that has happened, it was for the friendship Elena and I had formed. Even though she had been loyal toward Saint, she had also been the strength I needed to survive for as long as I did.
“Elena,” I started as we sat down on the recliners, “I want to ask you something.”
“Of course.” She took a sip from her drink and pulled her sunglasses over her head. “What is it?”
“Saint’s dad.” I paused when I noticed her usual carefree expression fall. “I know it’s a touchy subject—clearly,” I mumbled, “but what did he do that has Saint hating him so much?”
Elena cleared her throat and placed her drink on the side table. “Marcello has not told you yet?”
I shook my head.
“I can’t say I’m surprised. His father isn’t something he likes to discuss with anyone.”
“I wouldn’t ask you if I thought I’d get answers from Saint. But I need to know what his father had done to make him go through such drastic measures to get back at him. I feel like knowing this would somehow give me a peek into his mind and help me understand him better.”
Elena studied me for what seemed like ages, her eyes staring at me as if she could reach deep inside my soul. “You’ve fallen for my nephew…haven’t you?”
I didn’t answer. I simply diverted my eyes and nursed my drink.
“I wouldn’t blame you if you did, Mila. The Russo men have a certain allure that is hard for women to resist.”
“I don’t know what I’m feeling right now, Elena.” I stared out over the ocean wishing there was a way for me to see into the future. To know the outcome of every decision I still had to make.
Elena slipped her sunglasses back onto her nose and leaned back in the recliner. “It is not my place to tell you what happened between Marcello and his father.”
I huffed, feeling defeated now that Elena wasn’t willing to tell me this huge secret everyone knew about except me.
“But,” she continued, “what I can say is his father did something unforgivable. Something he won’t stop paying for, not while Saint is breathing. I know it’s not the answer you were hoping for, Mila.”
“It’s okay. I understand.” I narrowed my eyes as I watched her soak up the sun. “However, I do know how you can make it up to me.”
She pulled her glasses halfway down her nose. “Make it up to you?”
I shot her a sly grin. “Humor me, would you?”
“Fine,” she huffed.
“Could you do a reading for me?”
“A tarot reading?”
Elena sat up and glanced toward the stairs and back at me, a mischievous smile on her face. “Okay. But Marcello can’t know. He’s not a big fan of my readings.”
I motioned as if zipping my lips. “Not a word.”