“All of this kind of reminds me of a book I once read. I guess I expected you to be the pilot.”
He snorted. “I think I know which book you’re referring to. And no, I’m not the pilot.” Wicked intentions danced across his features as he reached around. “But I do have a taste for a woman bound and gagged, completely at my mercy.”
I swallowed hard and clenched my thighs. Luckily, Elena took her seat across from us, and her presence sliced through the sexual tension that exploded between Saint and me.
James climbed in and took the pilot’s seat. I wasn’t the least surprised about the fact that James was the pilot. The man seemed to be anything and everything Saint needed him to be. I made a mental note to make James the topic of one of my daily questions to ask Saint sometime. But for now, James’s role in Saint’s life would take a back seat to all the other unanswered questions I had.
The rotor blades started to turn, and I was surprised to hear how loud it was. The faster it turned, the louder the noise became.
“Everyone buckled up?” James’s voice came through the headphones loud and clear.
“Ready,” Saint replied and gave James a thumbs-up. Some time passed as the rotor blades whirred away, and I heard James speak to air control asking for permission to take off. My stomach flipped, and I grabbed Saint’s hand. I didn’t even think about what I was doing…not until he put his other hand on top of mine and squeezed.
“Just breathe,” he said through the headset. It reminded me of the flight on his private plane, when I stood at the precipice of having a panic attack and he managed to talk me through it—an odd thing for my kidnapper to do. So much time had passed. So many things had changed between us, I found it hard to remember how I felt about him back then.
I wasn’t sure what I expected, but I was surprised at how smoothly the helicopter just lifted off the ground and floated away. The loud noise somewhat abated as we became airborne, and I was amazed at how easily I got used to the sensation of flying. I stared out the cabin window at the endless ocean of blue below us. The Empress grew farther and farther away until it was a mere white blip on the horizon.
The bird’s eye view was breathtaking, and it was no longer nerves that compelled me to hold Saint’s hand, but rather sheer delight as we traded the ocean for land.
I looked at Saint.
He smiled. “We’re flying over Genoa. Another half hour, and we’ll be in Milan.”
I met his smile and gripped his hand tighter as I turned my attention to the world below us. I couldn’t remember a time in my life when I had been this excited—elated, even. For the first time, I experienced a real appreciation for Saint’s wealth, grateful for this mind-blowing experience.
For the remainder of the trip, we all sat in silence. I doubted Elena and Saint enjoyed it as much as I did, but I didn’t care. I was determined to soak in every second of it.
I heard James’s voice through the headphones, but I was too mesmerized to listen. An open field of grass came into view, and we started to descend. James’s piloting expertise shined through with a smooth landing as we touched ground. The pulsating noise and vibration of rotor blades gradually subsided, and with a flick of his wrist Saint loosened my safety belt.
“Welcome to Milan.” His grin was mild and entertaining, as if he appreciated my enthusiasm.
Saint got out first and helped Elena step off the helicopter before reaching out for my hand, guiding me down the step. The rotor blades were slow to come to a halt, and a gust of wind forced my hair into my face as we rushed to get away from the noise, hand in hand.
A black SUV awaited us, and James held the door open for Elena and me to climb into the back seat. Saint got in the front, and James slipped in behind the wheel.
“Security in place?”
“Yes, sir,” James confirmed. “I have eyes and ears all around the area where we’re headed.”
It unsettled me a little, wondering why we needed a protection detail on a simple shopping trip, but I didn’t let it take away from the thrill of it all.
Elena smiled my way. “You are going to love Milan. It’s a magnetic point for designers and artists. People all around the world flock here to experience its glamor, and today it’s your turn.”
I grinned like the damn Cheshire cat. “I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited.”
“Excitement is a good look on you, Mila.” She took my hand. “And you are going to love the Hotel we’ll be staying in. Hotel Principe di Savoia.”
“Wow. That sounds…hard to pronounce.”
Elena laughed. “Hotel Principe di Savoia is one of the most prestigious hotels in Milan and is a favorite choice of royals and celebrities. Naturally, it is also the only hotel Marcello stays in whenever he visits Milan.”
Intrigued, I shifted in my seat. “I can’t wait to see it.”
“Oh, Mila. You are going to love it, and the presidential suite ismagnifico.It has three en suite bedrooms and a luxurious Pompeii styled swimming pool.”