I took a step back and grabbed the duct tape, the rip resounding through the room. “Even though I love our little chats, I think it’s time for you to shut the fuck up.” I slapped the strip of tape across his mouth and leaned in closer. “At least for the next part.”

His eyes widened, the only sign of fear I saw in him. I loved it. I loved how his own eyes betrayed him.

“Take a good look, motherfucker. This is the only face you’ll see for a very long time, because I won’t stop until you beg. Until you plead for mercy.” I inched forward, gritting my teeth. “And I will show you none…just like you showed her.”



I couldn’t lookat her and not see him. She looked just like her brother. Amazing how no one noticed the resemblance until the truth bomb got dropped like a fucking nuclear weapon of mass destruction. I didn’t understand how Onyx could still look at her the same way after that. Wraith was a fucking rat, and I didn’t give a fuck what her reasoning was for doing Slither’s dirty work. The fact was, she had his blood running through her veins—the same blood I wanted to watch drip from his festering flesh. It was impossible for me to be within three feet of her and not feel like I was drowning in hate.

Sitting at the bar with an ice-cold beer in my hand, I watched as Neon took a seat next to Wraith. Their mouths were moving, but for the life of me I couldn’t think what the fuck they’d possibly be chatting about. Did Neon not see it? Did she not see his fucking face whenever she looked at Wraith? Did she not see the goddamn snake in those blue irises? God, it was fucking insane. It was like I got sucked through a giant vortex of fucked-up shit and spewed out in the motherfucking Twilight Zone where we showed mercy to allies of fuckers like Slither. Only this was one better. She wasn’t just an ally. She was his fucking sister. She was family. Blood. You didn’t get a stronger bond than blood, so why the fuck was I the only who thought her being here was fucking blasphemy?

“God, you’re ugly when you’re brooding.” Manic slapped an unwelcome hand on my shoulder, slipping his ass onto the seat next to mine. Dice, our newest prospect, placed a cold one in front of him.

Manic tipped the bottle in his direction. “Fucker won again last night. I’m starting to hate Tripps.”

“There’s a reason we call him Dice, you moron.”

“I swear to God, I will beat him one day. I don’t care how long it fucking takes me.”

I ignored him this time, not giving a flying fuck for company right now.

“Where have you been disappearing to the last two nights?”

“Nowhere.” I didn’t look at him.

“You’re going somewhere. I’ve seen you leave.”

“Why are you lurking in the fucking halls like a vampire, anyway?”

“Not lurking. Merely…observing.”

I eyed him from the side. “Please tell me you’re not sitting around in the dark jerking off like a fucking psycho.”

Manic smiled like an idiot. “You’ll never know.”

“You’re one ugly motherfucker, you know that?”

Manic pointed at the scar on his face. “Even with this, I’m prettier than you.”

“My dick’s still bigger than yours, so shut the fuck up. Yo, Dice,” I waved him over, “give me a shot.”

“What ya like?”

I cocked a brow. “Do I look like I fucking know what I’d like? Just give me any shot.”

“Okay, man.” He wiped his hands before reaching for the tequila.

I groaned. “Just not tequila.”

Dice moved his hand towards the Jägermeister.

“Not that either.”

Narrowing his eyes, he pointed at the vodka.

“Oh, my God. Give me something that won’t make my balls shrivel up and turn into a fucking vagina.”