“You did.” Manic remained unmoved. “I’m leaving the crew.”


I noticed Manic’s throat move as he swallowed. “Because I’ll be joining another crew.”

“Jesus Christ,” I mumbled under my breath, shifting uncomfortably in my seat.

Onyx remained calm, his expression stone. “What crew?”


I was on my feet in a nanosecond, facing Crow, who stood in the doorway like he was fucking invited to the party. “Manic is joining the Gods of Six.” He glanced at Manic. “Ain’t that right?”

“Like fuck, he is.” I glared a goddamn hole in Crow’s forehead. “And who the fuck let you in?”

“I did.”

I cut my gaze to Manic. “You what? Are you fucking insane?”

Onyx got up and focused on Crow while I silently kicked Manic’s ass with my mind.

“Crow, even though we have a mutual respect for one another, you know the rules. This is a private meeting.”

“Yeah,” I chimed in without taking my eyes off Manic. “So, kindly remove your ass from this room in an orderly fashion.”

Manic shifted under my gaze, clearing his throat. “I’m leaving the Kings to join the Sixes. My decision has been made.”

“Manic, what the fuck, man?” Granite stared at him with a thousand flashing question marks covering his face. “What’s going on?”

“Yeah, Manic,” I sneered. “What the fuck is going on?”

The annoying sound of Crow’s dice knocking against each other as he played with them in his palm grated against my bones. I didn’t have to look at him to know he was probably standing with a huge, arrogant smirk on his ugly motherfucking face.

Manic’s lips straightened, and I could practically hear the wheels turning inside his head. “Ya’ll know Crow and I are related.”

“Yeah, but that don’t mean shit.”

“It does. To me.”

“Bullshit.” I slammed my fist on the table. “You might share blood with Blackwood, here, but you are our brother. My brother,” I bit out between clenched teeth while leaning forward. “If you’re doing this to save me, don’t.”

Manic glanced from me to Granite to Onyx. “I’m taking Ink’s place, and I need you to understand and respect my decision.” His gaze snapped back to me. “This club needs you, man. And so does Neon. She needs you more than anyone, and I’ll be damned if I stand by and watch you get taken from her.”

“We can find another way.”

“No, we can’t. It’s done.”

“Bull-fucking-shit, it is!”

“Back off, Ink,” he warned. “Don’t cause trouble. Not today.”

I tilted my head. “Then, clearly, you don’t know me very well, since I thrive on causing trouble.”

“I know, which is why I’m warning you.” He too leaned over the table, his frozen stare fixed on me. “Back the fuck off. I ain’t changing my mind.”

“Manic,” Onyx interrupted, “we can talk about this.”

Manic retreated slowly, not breaking my glare. “There ain’t nothing to discuss.”