“So, you’re a King?”

He closed his eyes as a little moan rumbled in the back of his throat. “God, I love it when a woman calls me her king.”

“I did not say you’re my—”

“Yes, you did.”

“No, I didn’t.”

“You did.”

“Stop.” My lips quirked up, unable to hide my amusement. “You’re an ass.”

His brows drew together. “First I’m your king, and now I’m an ass?”

“Oh, my God.” I took a sip of my beer to mask the smile that was threatening to appear. The last thing this guy needed was to see that I was entertained by his egotistical humor.

“Which crew do you ride with?”

“What makes you think I ride with any crew?”

He shrugged. “With a ride like yours, you have to be.”

“No.” I shook my head. “I don’t ride with a crew. I’m what you would call a free rider.”

“I find that hard to believe.”

“Well, believe it.”

With his elbow on the bar, he leaned to the side, eyes studying me, and his mouth pulled up in a smirk. “So, where did you disappear to the other night?”

“I went home.”

“I tried to follow you.”

“You followed me?”

He lifted a shoulder. “Tried.Triedshould be the word we’re focusing on here.”

“I’m sorry, I’m too busy being freaked out by the wordfollowedto focus on any other words coming out of your mouth right now.”

The confident smirk remained on his face, and he wasn’t the least bit concerned that I’d take him for a stalker rather than a potential lay. “We were on a date. I had to make sure you got home safe.”

“Yet you failed.”

He shifted closer. “I can promise you it wasn’t due to lack of trying.”

I cocked a brow. “Onyx, is it?”

“Yup.” He pretended to look around, thinking. “Um, it’s something with a…wait, don’t tell me.” He snapped his fingers. “Poltergeist.”


“Same thing.”

I crossed my arms. “I’m starting to regret saving you from walking around with gonorrhea right now.”

His face lit up, and he laughed. “I guess I owe you one.”