“Or what?” One guy wearing a baseball cap and a dirty pair of jeans stepped right up to me, not blinking once. I didn’t even try to make myself taller, bigger, more intimidating…because I already was.

“Back up before I make you,” I warned. On second thought, maybe this was the exact kind of shit I was in the mood for. Maybe picking a fight and dishing out an ass-whooping was exactly what the fucking doctor ordered.

The baseball cap douche shoved me back, and in that second, that exact moment, the one thing I could always rely on kicked in.


I reared back. I swung. I scored. Fucker was on the pavement eating dirt within a split second. It wasn’t even hard, and I didn’t need to break a sweat.

There was a tap on my shoulder, and I turned around just in time to see a fist coming my way. I pulled back, balling my fist when a hand reached over scar-face’s shoulder, making him turn. The second he did, I heard a loudthwackand saw the fucker sway to the side.

I grabbed his shoulders and pushed him into the gravel, where he stayed. It didn’t take much to whoop their drunk asses.

I looked up and found Wraith hovering over the guy, shaking her fist. She smiled. “Seems like I saved your ass twice tonight.”

I smirked. “Don’t flatter yourself, sweetheart.”

“I’m not your sweetheart.”

I nodded to the bar. “There’s a waitress in there who thinks you are.”

The corners of her mouth curved as she picked her backpack off the ground, swinging it over her shoulders. “It was a pleasure saving your ass. Onyx.”

One of the fuckers on the ground tried to get up, but I shoved my boot against his jaw, sending him back down. “Will I see you around?”

“Don’t bet on it.” She sashayed that curvy ass of hers to a navy Harley Softail.

I could swear to God, I almost came in my fucking pants when I watched her get on it. She clutched that piece of hard metal so damn tight between her legs, and when I heard the roar of the engine, my cock twitched.

Wraith put her helmet on, fastening it before gripping the drag bar. “Try to stay out of trouble,” she said over the beautiful noise only a Harley could make.

I shot her a cocky grin. “Don’t bet on it.”

She pulled out onto the street, and I stood frozen and stared at her taillight as it disappeared. I shook my head and let out a laugh while making my way to my bike. The second I got on it, I contemplated going after her again. And this time, I did.

Only…I never found her.



I leaned forwardon my bike, crossing my arms. “One would think that the motherfucking police commissioner would know how to be punctual.”

Dutch flicked his dead cigarette my way. “Since when do you know the meaning of the word punctual?”

“Since you were dumb enough to get shot.” I flipped him off and gave him a sly grin.

“I really want to say ‘fuck you’ right now.”

“Don’t.” Granite smiled while placing his lid in front of him. “He’ll take it as a compliment.”

“I love how you know me, big brother.”

A black SUV stopped on the other side of the road, and we waited until the PC got out before we approached.

“Granite,” he greeted with an icy tone. Seemed like daddy dearest still needed to warm up to his future son-in-law.

“Commissioner.” Granite crossed his arms.