With self-assurance and poise, I made my way to the bar right across from me. I kept my plump lips in a smirk, hiding the teeny-tiny bit of insecurity that tingled at the base of my neck.
The bartender was young and wore a cut with a prospect tag at the front. The dark circles under his eyes told me he was having a pretty hard time trying to prove himself worthy of being an American Street King. Everyone who knew their New York City crews would know that it was nearly impossible to get patched with the Kings. Many prospects have tried and failed.
“Jack Daniel’s on the rocks and a shot of tequila.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He smiled, grabbing a glass.
I leaned over the counter and glanced from one side of the bar to the other. There weren’t a lot of women present, but those who were clearly were old ladies who preferred to cling to their men’s side. I didn’t blame them. Crew men were notorious cheaters, pussy being their main motivator in every damn thing.
“What are you doing here?”
I smirked when I heard the familiar voice. “Opal, is it?” I turned to face him.
“Oh, snap. Almost had it right.”
The lack of a smirk gave the impression he wasn’t amused.
“Aw. What’s the matter? Didn’t have your dose of happy medicine today?”
He leaned with an elbow on the counter. “Are you following me?”
“No. Maybe. What if I am?”
Sky-blue eyes searched mine, studying me. The pure color of his irises made it seem like you could look right through them, get a glimpse of what lay beneath. But something told me the light shade of his eyes was a stark contrast to the darkness that lurked within.
“I’d say you should be careful walking into places like this one,” he dragged his attention up and down my body, “but something tells me a girl like you can take care of herself.”
I placed a hand on my hip. “Of course I can. Why else would I march into a bar like this one without a knight in shining armor to protect me?”
“Come, now,” he started. “We both know you’re not looking for a knight in shining armor. You’re looking for a devil in leather.”
I bit my lip. “If I am, will I find him here?”
Our gazes locked, mine fire, and his ice. The music faded, and all I heard was my drumming heartbeat, the look in his eyes intoxicating me with every passing second. There was something different about him—threatening yet captivating, and I felt drawn to it in a way I couldn’t explain. It was disarming but electrifying at the same time. It was easy to see he was the wild card, the one who hated rules the most.
He moved a little closer. “There are a lot of devils in leather around here, sweetheart, but none of them are the right one for you.”
“I’m a big girl. I think I can decide who’s right for me and who isn’t.”
“You’re naive.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me.” He shifted even closer. “You pretend to know the rules, walking in here like you belong in this world, but that look in your eye, it tells me a different story.”
“Yeah? And what’s that?”
He smirked, biting his bottom lip. “You’re searching for something. But let me tell you this. Whatever you’re searching for,” he stepped right up to me, his face inches from mine as our breaths collided, “you won’t find it here.”
For a split second, I was frozen on the spot, enthralled by the man before me. The other night when we first met, he didn’t seem as troubled as he did now. Agitation swirled in the blue of his eyes, a dark unease settling over him. I’d be a liar if I said it didn’t make me even more curious about him.
Onyx narrowed his eyes, no trace of the roguishness I had experienced with him before. It was odd that he no longer wanted to partake in the banter that seemed to come naturally to us every time we bumped into each other. There were worry lines on his forehead which he didn’t have before. And the cold expression on his face did a pretty good job at hiding any sign of the carefree personality I caught a glimpse of the other day. But rather than deter me from playing this game with him, it only made me want to play harder.
With a sly grin, I turned to the bartender and thanked him when he placed my drinks in front of me.
“So, am I right?”