I felt her pleasure coat my palm. “That’s my girl.”

“Granite,” she said, out of breath, “you need to—”

“Oh, here comes your dad.”

Alyx shot upright. “Jesus, Granite.”

Her pants were buttoned, and she was off the bike in one-point-two seconds flat. I leaned back leisurely with a giant smirk on my face like I was the one who just came in my pants.

Alyx scowled at me, her face and neck flushed. “Do you want my father to shoot you?”

I shrugged, dragging my finger along my nose, smelling her sweetness. “You’re mine, Alyx. I’ll make you come wherever and whenever the fuck I want.”

“Well, you won’t be able to do that if you’re dead.”

I laughed then watched as she walked toward her dad coming from the other direction. This was the second time since she decided to stay with me that she met up with her dad. It was safer that way. The less the Kings associated with the PC, the better. And Alyx was part of the Kings now. She was the old lady of the president. But I knew how important it was for her to keep in contact with her father, so I made it happen whenever I could. There was nothing in this fucking world I wouldn’t do for my old lady.

I focused my gaze on the ocean ahead while waiting for them, giving them the privacy they needed. What she discussed with her dad was between her and him. I had every other aspect of her, so the least I could do was give him these few minutes to have her all to himself.

“What a show.” Onyx appeared out of nowhere, smiling like a jerk.

I sat up straight. “How long have you been here?”

“Long enough to know what that finger of yours smells like.”

“Wipe that smirk off your face before I cut your balls off.”

Onyx snickered and pulled his hair out of his face. “Dutch made me follow you. He’s pissed ’cause his arm is still in a sling. Now he has me on fucking protection duty.”

I shook my head. “It’s going to drive Alyx crazy when Dutch is back on his ride and on my ass.”

Onyx lit a smoke and nudged his head in Alyx’s direction. “You think it’s a good idea to let her see him?”

“He’s her dad. I’m not going to keep her away from him.”

“It’s risky.”

“I know. Alyx knows it too. That’s why we keep these meetings low profile.”

Onyx nodded. “Listen, man, we haven’t talked about this since shit went down with Tanit. And with Dutch and Neon still recovering, and your newfound romance with your ballerina, everyone seems a little distracted.”

I got off my bike. “Yeah. So, what’s up?”

His blue eyes regarded me with caution. “Are you really going to keep to this truce with Slither?”

“I gave my word.”

“Yeah, man. I know. But that’s bullshit. What those fuckers did to Neon, what they almost did to Alyx isn’t something we can let go because of some stupid truce. Plus, they took our business. We can’t sit back and do nothing. Word’s already spreading that the Kings are losing ground while the Pythons keep getting stronger.” He took a long drag from his cigarette. “I know you’re in love and shit, but the club is still priority, and I just can’t see how you can keep to the truce.”


“I’m serious, Granite. Ink is going to retaliate against the Pythons, whether we stand behind him or not. The only reason he hasn’t done anything yet is because he’s too busy helping Neon.”

“I know that.”

He stepped closer, eyes narrowed and face worried. “Are you going to let him do it without the support of the Kings? Without the support of his brothers?”

I pursed my lips, biting the inside of my cheek. Glancing around us, making sure we were alone, I rubbed the back of my neck and finally looked Onyx in the eye.