Leaning back against the door, I grinned. Someone recently told me the only reason we were here was to look pretty and spread our legs. And that gave me a plan.



I bit my thumbnail,and the courage I had earlier seemed to have left me. What the hell was I thinking? I didn’t have the confidence needed to do this. It was insane to think I could.

“This was a terrible idea,” I mumbled to myself as I grabbed a sheet and quickly draped it over my naked shoulders.

“What are you doing?”

I froze, my back turned to the door. “I didn’t even hear you come in.”

The door slammed shut. “What are you doing?”

“I, um…” I clutched the sheet tighter. “I, uh…Jesus. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

“Are you naked beneath that sheet?” His voice was low, deep, and my skin erupted in gooseflesh.

“Maybe.” My voice, on the other hand, sounded raspy and shaky.

“Turn around.”

I hesitated.

“Turn around, Alyx.”

Slowly, I turned to face him.

His eyes bored into mine. “Why are you naked?”

“I, uh, I thought I could…you know.”

“No. I don’t know.”


“Tell me,” he insisted. “Tell me why you’re naked.”

I could practically feel my cheeks turn red with the heat that spread all the way from my chest and up my neck. “I thought I could do this.”

“Do what?” He stepped closer, eyes scrutinizing me. “What did you want to do?”

I bit my lip. “I thought—”


“Fine.” I wiped the hair from my forehead. “I wanted to make pancakes, and Ink said you didn’t have anything in the house but beer and leftover pizza. I asked him to get some ingredients, and he said you would never allow me upstairs to use the kitchen in any case. So, I thought,” I swallowed hard, “I thought I could, you know, seduce you and maybe get you to let me make you some pancakes.” Jesus. If stupid had a sound, my rambling would have been it.

Granite held up a finger, cocking his head to the side with a frown on his face. “Let me get this straight. You wanted to seduce me so you could make me pancakes?”

“Oh, God. It sounds stupid, I know. I don’t know what the hell I was thinking. I don’t even know if you like pancakes. For all I know, you hate pancakes, and I made a complete—”

“Shut up.”

My mouth snapped shut.

He stalked closer, and with every step it seemed like his presence slowly sucked the air out of the room. “Let go of the sheet, Alyx.”