Ink leaned against the wall, chest rapidly rising and falling as he wiped his bloody nose with his shirt. “Yeah. I’m good. So, do we have any kind of plan on what the fuck we do next?”

Dutch crossed his arms. “Well, the police are all over it since they’re treating it like a hijacking gone wrong. Nothing we can do now.”

I took a long, slow drag from my cigarette before letting the smoke ease out of my mouth. “Okay. Let’s get some rest. Dutch and I will pay a visit to Junkyard’s wife tomorrow morning.”

Manic darted up the stairs to the main house. “I need a fucking beer first.”

Ink followed suit, and Dutch gave me a reassuring pat on the shoulder before going the other way.

With everyone gone, it finally felt like I had space to breathe. My thoughts were a jumbled mess, and the pit of my stomach felt hollow. Tomorrow morning, I needed to look a widow and her kids in the eye while trying to explain to them why they’d be burying a husband. A father. A man who only did what he was told, simply escorting two girls in need of protection. Junkyard wasn’t even directly involved in this war, yet he was the one who took his last breath tonight.

“You okay?”

I turned and saw Tanit standing in the doorway to her room. Not even a bruised face could stop her from batting those thick eyelashes and pouting her thick fuck-me lips.

“I’m good.” It was a simple answer that really didn’t require any kind of response.

“You seem tense.”

“I’m fine. Get some rest.”

She crossed her arms and sashayed toward me. “You need a little comfort tonight, baby?”

“Jesus, Tanit. Stop.”

Her hands reached out, fingers slowly dragging down my chest. “I can help you get rid of some of that tension, you know.” Her chocolate brown eyes glanced down to my crotch then back up. “All you have to do is stand there and let me work my magic.”

“Tanit,” I pulled her hand away from my chest, “stop it. I told you, it’s over.”

“It doesn’t have to be.”

I stepped back. “Yeah. It does.”

She tilted her head to the side, eyes raking all over me. “You can fuck us both, you know.”

“Jesus Christ.” I let my head fall back, almost laughing at how fucking crazy everything was right now.

“I don’t mind sharing you with the PC’s daughter.”

I snapped my glare to her. “Stop. That’s enough. You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.”

“I know who she is, Granite. Her face has been plastered on every goddamn television channel ever since she’s gone missing.”

“Don’t,” I warned, feeling that prickle of warning cross the skin of my neck.

Tanit reached behind her head and pulled the band from her hair, letting the thick brown locks fall over her shoulders. “All I’m saying is there’s no reason for us to stop fucking simply because you carry a torch for the ballerina.” She reached out and cupped my cock in the palm of her hand. “Besides, it’ll be fun to sneak around again.”

I let her move right up to me, her eyes hooded with lust. I could practically smell her needy pussy while she kept her hand on my dick.

I grabbed her jaw between my fingers, forcing her mouth up as I leaned down. Her warm breath smelled like cherries, her mouth forming the perfect fucking “o,” already panting with the need for me to fill her greedy cunt.

I gripped her chin harder, digging my fingers into her skin as I leaned down, gently easing my lips up her jaw. “Do you like touching my cock?”

She rubbed her palm over my crotch. “You know I do.”

Rolling my hips, I pushed my dick harder against her palm, and she let out a whimper, her body already primed and ready for me to fuck.

My lips brushed against her ear, and I forced her head to the side. “Then you better cop a feel, sweetheart, because this is the last time you’ll ever get to touch my cock.” I pressed my lips against her ear. “I am never. Fucking you. Again.”