“Start a conversation, going in one direction, then make a complete U-turn just because you don’t want to upset me. You know what’s going to upset me?”

I stared at her.

“You not telling me what you were just about to tell me.”

Leaning to the side, I looked at her IV. “Is that stuff not supposed to make you sleepy?”

“Swan Lake, out with it.”


“Don’t make me get up and kick your ass.”

“Oh, please. A minute ago, you couldn’t move from one position to another.” Neon’s eyebrow snapped down, and I frowned at her. “Okay,” I conceded. “Do you know a guy with the name…I think it was Junkyard?”

“Oh, yeah. He’s a member of the club. I’ve seen him around at the bar.”

I hesitated, doubting whether I should continue. Neon picked up on it.

“Talk, Swan Lake.”

“Fine. Apparently, this guy Junkyard got killed tonight.”


“Neon, are you sure you want me to tell you? I don’t even know if I’m telling the right story here. All I know is what I heard.”

She lightly shook her head, her nose scrunched up. “It’s fine. If I can survive a bunch of sadistic Python fucks, I can survive whatever you’re about to tell me.”

I sat back. “All I heard was something about an ambush, and that Junkyard got killed. Onyx wanted to go back to NYC…” I paused. “Wait a minute. If we’re not in NYC, then where the hell are we?”

Neon sighed. “We’re at the safe house in Coney Island. Now can you please just finish the fucking story before I die of old age?”

“Coney Island?”

“Swan Lake!”

“Okay, fine.” I shot my arms up in the air. “Onyx wanted to go back to NYC, and Granite said no.”


“Something about it being a setup, and that the Pythons are expecting them to go back.”

Neon nodded. “Makes sense.”

“Anyway, so, Granite stomped off, and then Ink said he agreed with Granite.” I eyed Neon with caution. “And then Onyx kinda said some things.”

Her eye narrowed. “What things?”

“Things about Ink not wanting to go because he doesn’t want to leave your side.”

Neon chuckled, her mouth curved at the sides. “I bet Onyx didn’t put it that nicely.”

I pulled my lips in a thin line, shaking my head.

“Let me guess,” she cleared her throat, “Ink tried to rip Onyx’s face off?”
