I simply nodded. “She’s not here anymore, Alyx.”

Her eyes shimmered with unshed tears. For everyone else, this moment would seem futile and insignificant. But as she reached out, taking a pancake from the plate, I knew it was a huge motherfucking moment in her life. A huge step. No one was forcing her to eat, or not to eat. She was making this decision on her own. No threats. No deals. Only her.

I gave her a half smile as she took a bite. God knew I wanted to watch her as she ate that motherfucking pancake, every bite one giant ‘fuck you’ for her psychopath mother. But it was a big moment for her, and she was already uncomfortable enough just by eating. She didn’t need me to gawk at her as well, so I played it down and placed the plate back on the table. The guys dug in like savages, eating like they were the ones who had been starved half their lives.

As I glanced from Alyx, to Ink, to Dutch, to Manic, watching the looks on their faces as they passed the syrup and butter around, eating pancakes. Talking and laughing, they seemed like men without a care in the world. I couldn’t remember the last time the atmosphere around us felt so light, having my brothers seem so relaxed.

I looked back up at Alyx. “Thank you,” I silently mouthed, and she shot the most heavenly smile that crashed against my chest, ricocheting to my heart. The moment was fucking perfection. It was like her being here managed to make the air not so goddamn heavy. Even Ink smiled, chatting with a mouthful of pancake, like he managed to forget about all the shit that had happened.

I was about to reach for a pancake when the chatter stopped abruptly, everyone looking toward the back door.

“Hey, Onyx,” Dutch said, taking another bite. “You want a pancake?”

I looked at my brother, and our eyes met.

The despondent look on his face, his eyes glum and uncertain, had me seeing the little boy he used to be years ago. The boy I had to take care of, protect, love. We couldn’t all be the same, and I couldn’t expect Onyx to be like me, think like me, act like me.

A moment passed with not a single word spoken, yet we said everything we needed to say. He was my brother, and no matter what happened between us, there would always be a place for him at our table.

“Have a pancake, brother.” I held up a plate, and he came over, removing his gun from his back and placing it on the counter.

Alyx turned, the warm smile still on her pretty face. “You better grab one before Manic eats it all.”

Onyx stopped at the side of the table and held out his hand toward Ink. “I’m sorry.”

Ink chewed, glancing from Onyx down to his hand, and back up. He nodded then shook Onyx’s hand. “Yeah, bro. Me too.”

Yup. This was turning out to be a pretty fucking good moment. A bunch of dirty bikers laughing and eating pancakes. Go figure.

Onyx grabbed a chair and sat at the side of the table, reaching for the last pancake.

Alyx pointed over her shoulder. “I guess I’ll need to make more, then.”

“Hell, yeah,” Manic exclaimed, a greedy grin on his face.

Just as Alyx turned, the door blasted inward with a deafening crash, almost torn from its hinges, and chaos erupted. Masked men forcefully rushed in, loud, angry voices shouting, all while pointing guns in every direction. Then there was the sound of glass breaking as Alyx dropped the plates.

God, it all happened so fucking fast, it was like my mind couldn’t register what the fuck was happening. All I could think of was Alyx.

“Police! Get your fucking hands up!” the men screamed at us, pointing their guns right at us, the glint of their badges around their necks flickering.

“Alyx!” I yelled, and for a second she turned to me, the fear on her face slicing through my skin like razors.

Ink jumped up, flipping the table over, and I launched myself in Alyx’s direction. But someone slammed into my side, knocking me into the wall, the impact ripping the air from my lungs.

“Get your fucking hands up now!” someone screamed, but I refused to take my eyes off Alyx, the need to get to her shooting adrenaline to every bone in my body.

Alyx dropped to the ground, arms covering her head, her hands shaking.

Jesus Christ.

I reared back and punched the fucker pinning me against the wall right in the face. I slammed my knee in his stomach, pushing him to the ground as he hunched over.

“Dutch!” I yelled. “Get Alyx!”

“Granite!” I heard her scream, and I went fucking savage, growling, roaring like a fucking demon as I flung my fists, wanting to tear apart every fucker who stood between me and Alyx.

It was fucking anarchy with too many faces, making it impossible to fucking focus. All I wanted to do was get to Alyx.