Even though I still refused to believe a word that came out of his mouth, I heard the amusement in his voice, like this was all just a game for him.

I placed my hand on my belly. “And this? Was this part of your plan as well?”

His gaze dropped to my hand then narrowed as he looked back at my face. “Was what part of my plan?”

“Our baby. The life growing inside me. Was that part of your fucking plan?”

Dark eyebrows slanted inward, his eyes narrowed as he stared at me with confusion. “You’re…” His voice drifted off, as if he couldn’t form the words.

“What is going on with you?” I braved a few steps closer to him, my soul crying for this all to be just a huge misunderstanding.

Seemingly dumbstruck, Castello held up his hand, stopping me in my tracks. He rubbed his chin as he started to pace, mumbling incoherently.

“Castello?” I couldn’t take it anymore. The fabric of the rag I was wearing irritated my skin, the room making me feel like the walls were closing in on me. “Castello, please. I don’t know what is going on, but please stop. Stop whatever this is.” Tears threatened to escape, my face flushed with panic.

He stopped and fixed his gaze on mine. “This changes everything.”

“What? What are you talking about?”

His gaze dropped to my belly, and then he let out a maniacal laugh. “Oh God, I can’t do this anymore,” he said between laughter. “This is just too fucking insane…and funny.”

He reached inside his pants pocket and pulled out a piece of cloth. “I wanted to drag this out a little more, but I’m a little gobsmacked to be honest. I really didn’t expect this.”

I couldn’t talk. I couldn’t move. My blood was ice, my bones frozen.

He held the cloth to his face then smiled before wiping at his scar. Amused, dark eyes stared back at me while I watched the scar next to his eye disappear with every wipe.

What the fuck?

The smile remained on his face, a flawless face.

“What is this?” The words burned my throat.

He held his arms out wide. “Oh, come now, Tatum. Is that any way to greet your longtime lover?”

I stumbled backward, my mind refusing to make sense of what I was seeing. It took me a few seconds before I could manage to find my voice. “Carlo?”

His smile grew wider. “In the flesh.”

Chills erupted from my neck down my spine. “You’re dead.”

“Nope. I’m very much alive.”


“I see you let the cat out of bag sooner than planned.” Vico came walking in, and out of pure instinct, I rushed to the wall. Vico grinned. “I see she’s taking it well.”

Castello…no, Carlo smirked. “She’s a little lost for words, yes.”

Vico stepped in next to him. “I always knew the cunt never had a backbone.”

Abruptly, Carlo snapped his arm toward Vico, grabbing him around his throat. The way he squeezed, the veins in his hands bulged. “Don’t call her that.”

Vico grabbed Carlo’s hand that kept on tightening around his throat. “What the fuck, man?”

“Call her that again and I’ll crush your goddamn windpipe.” Carlo let go of Vico, shoving him backward.

Vico coughed. “What is it with this woman that she managed to get yours and Castello’s balls in a twist?”