“Knocking is like asking permission.” His fingers folded around my hips. “And when it comes to you, there’s not a chance in hell I’ll ever ask permission.”

He pulled me closer, and I closed my eyes loving the way his body felt against mine. “Since you walked in—yet again—without permission, I guess I should address you as master.”

He stiffened, and his cock reacted almost immediately as it pushed against my ass.

He tightened his grip on my hips. “Do not tempt me, woman.”

“It’s only my master who doesn’t need permission when it comes to me.”

A low growl rumbled from his chest, his fingers digging almost painfully into my flesh.

“You know it’s hard enough as it is, little mouse, to keep the beast inside me contained. Why would you tempt me?”

I swayed my hips, rubbing my ass against his cock, and it earned me a moan from his lips. “What if I need you to be my master right now?”

“Tatum, don’t.”

I moved my body against his before placing my palm over his hand. Slowly, I removed his grip on my hip and moved his palm up my body, over my belly, gently brushing it against both my breasts. He started to rock behind me, rubbing his cock against my ass, and as I placed his hand around my neck, pushing his fingers into my skin, he groaned and bit my shoulder. He needed no guidance from me as he began to squeeze my throat. I loved it. My body hummed with desire, the blood in my veins intoxicated with adrenaline and lust.

Soft lips traced all along my neck before sucking my earlobe into his mouth, letting it go with a pop.

“Do not tease me, little mouse.”

His grip around my throat tightened, and my core clenched tight. The need to have this, to experience the darkness with him again, had my lust pooled between my legs.

“Please, master.”

It happened so fast I didn’t have time to realize what was happening until he had me bent over the table, my paint supplies falling all around us. He took both my arms and pinned them behind my back, forcing my face down on the cherrywood table.

He leaned over me, his cock pressing hard and heavy against my ass. “I told you, not until my child is born. Only then will I let the beast come out to play. So I suggest you stop teasing me, for when the day comes that I no longer have to share your body with my child, I will have my way with you, little mouse. And you will bleed for me once again.” He gave a hard thrust against my ass, causing me to moan before letting go of me and stepping back.

My wrists hurt, the skin of my hips sensitive, but I fucking loved it.

I straightened and watched as Castello adjusted his pants, his cock pressed hard against his zipper. “It seems that you need help with that,” I teased.

He slanted his dark brows inward, the scar moving along his eyes. “It seems that I do. But unfortunately, I have some otherpressingmatters I need to attend to, which is why I was looking for you. I have a meeting I need to go to, so I won’t be around tonight.”

I stiffened. Ever since we got here, Castello had never left the estate, never left me. He arranged all his business meetings to take place here, so why would he not do the same with this meeting?

“Where are you going?” My voice was soft, lacking confidence since I wasn’t sure if I had the right to ask that question.

He straightened his suit jacket sleeves. “The meeting is taking place at one of my clubs.”

“Your clubs?”


“You own clubs?”

His lips curled up at the corners. “I’m not just a mobster, Tatum.”

My mind reeled. “It just never occurred to me—”

“What? That I had other interests that weren’tillegal?”


Casually, he placed his hands in his pants pockets. “When my father and brother were still alive, I never thought I’d take over the family business, so I created my own.”