Her words pierced my heart like a thousand daggers. After everything I had done to her, after putting her through hell, this beautiful woman still gave me her heart.How was that even possible?Was this what mercy felt like? How being given a chance at redemption affected a man’s soul?Fuck knows. But what I did know was I would never take her mercy for granted by breaking her heart. I would do everything and anything to make sure she would never regret this moment.

With my hand on her ass, I scooped her up, letting her wrap her legs around me. My lips never left hers once as I moved us both to the bed. The longer I kissed her, felt her naked body against me, the stronger my hunger for her became.

I was between her legs the second her back hit the mattress, my cock grinding against her, trying to get some welcome relief from the friction. But my damn pants was in the way, and it irritated the fuck out of me, so I got rid of it within three seconds flat.

“Castello?” Her hands found my naked chest, her touch driving me insane. “What are those?”

I looked in the same direction she was and saw the gold chains hanging from all four bedposts. Chains I had placed there earlier, chains I planned on using tonight. But now, there was just no way I could have the patience to play with her. I wanted inside her, and I wanted inside her now!

My gaze found hers. “I had plans for you, little mouse. But unfortunately, our confessions from a few moments ago changed it.”

“What plans?” The black center of her crystal eyes expanded, darkness and lust clouding the rays of color.

I licked my lips, images of what I had planned slowly giving me back some control. After all, would the reward not be so much sweeter afterward?

I placed my naked body against her, my hips forcing her legs further apart. The tip of my cock teased against her entrance, and I loved feeling her arousal coating mine.

“Plans to break you, then mend you, only to let you shatter into a million pieces with the pleasure I would fuck into you.”

Her hips moved, and I groaned, desperately trying to keep myself from thrusting inside her.

“Do it.” She bucked her hips again, and I wanted to fucking roar like a demon-possessed animal, the little control I felt a few seconds ago gone like mist before the sun.

“Right now, little mouse, I don’t have the control to keep myself from fucking you raw.”

Tatum reached between us, wrapping her fingers around my cock, causing a moan to rumble from my throat.

“Do it,” she pleaded, and I pushed forward as her grip tightened. “Show me what you had planned for me…master.”

Like a goddamn switch, that one word made me go from a man fueled by his desperation to fuck his woman to a master who wanted to play with his pet.

Her eyes begged, her body pleaded, and her pussy demanded as it throbbed against the tip of my cock.

I sat up, her hand still firmly wrapped around me. “What my little mouse wants, my little mouse gets.”

Darkness fell over me like a veil. And by looking at her hooded eyes, I knew the shadows had claimed her as well.God, it was exhilarating. Us. I had finally found the other half of my dark soul in her, and now we were entwined together forming something more powerful than anything I have ever felt before.

Her fingers were still wrapped around my cock, and I placed my hand over hers, squeezing and tightening. I started to move her hand up and down, pumping my cock hard, yet slowly.

I watched in awe as lust beamed from her face, her body squirming beneath me.

Abruptly, I jerked her hand away from my cock and got off the bed.

“There’s no need for me to tell you again that a safe word won’t save you from me.”

She nodded, her gaze following me as I slowly moved around the bed. My pet was hungry, craving all the twisted things only I could give her. And I’d be a liar if I said it didn’t make my blood sear the inside of my veins.

“Have you not bled enough tonight, little mouse?” I gestured toward her arm with the fresh ink.

“It’s not the same.”

“How so?”

She shook her head, her body still squirming on the sheets. “It’s like you said that night after Vico beat me. My body doesn’t react to anyone the way it does to you. It’s your touch, your belt…your knife I crave. No one else. I want no one else. It’s only you…master.”

My cock twitched, every muscle inside my body clenched tight. My skin tingled, sweat beading on my chest. Every time that word left her mouth, I could feel the monster claw at the back of my chest, wanting out. Wanting to use and devour. I never thought it possible that a man could harbor such sordid desires toward a woman yet love her at the same time.

I took one of the golden chains that hung from the bedpost in my hand, dragging my fingers all the way down. The way her chest moved, rising and falling, her breathing shallow, I knew she felt the hunger just as strongly as I did.