He cocked a brow. “What makes you think I want anything in return?”

“You just said you were a selfish man. In other words, you did this because you want something in return.”

The corner of his mouth pulled up into a devilishly handsome grin. “Soon.”

“Soon, what?”

“Soon you will know what it is I want in return.”

“Why won’t you tell me now?”

He stared at me with a calculated gaze, and my nerves started to flutter in the center of my gut.

“Because you’re not ready, little mouse.”

“Ready for what?”

He smiled. “Soon.”


“Are you tired?”

I blinked. “Excuse me?”

“I asked, are you tired?”


It happened so fast. One second I was standing two feet away from him, and the next he had me pinned against the wall with my wrists bound painfully in his grip above my head.

“Just answer the goddamn question.”

I didn’t attempt to get loose from his grip. I’d been a prisoner of his strength so many times I knew it was pointless to even try.

“No. I’m not tired.”

He moved his thigh between my legs and pushed up, lifting me slightly off my feet. It was all it took to reignite the lust and need I had been walking around with all night.

He leaned his head down, and I could smell the sweetness of the champagne on his breath. “Do you trust me?”

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my needy body. “That’s a complicated question, Castello.”

Taking both my wrists in one hand, he let the other come down, tracing his fingers along the side of my face. “Well, let me simplify the answer for you then. If you didn’t trust me, you wouldn’t have welcomed my touch so eagerly. If you didn’t trust me, you wouldn’t want me as much as you do right now.”

“Who says I want you?”

He let out a low laugh that rumbled in the back of his throat. “When will you learn, little mouse?”

“Learn what?”

His head cocked to the side. “That your body can’t lie to me. Your lust is seeping through the fabric of my pants. I can feel your heat, the way your pussy is throbbing right now.” He rubbed his nose along my cheek. “I can even smell the sweet scent of your desire…and it’s driving me insane with the need to fuck you.”

I couldn’t stop myself. I was too fucking needy, my body wound up way too tight, so I slowly started to rock my hips back and forth, rubbing myself against his thigh. It felt so fucking good I could already feel the first tremble of pleasure move up my spine.

Soft lips brushed against my ear. “That’s my needy little mouse.”

He allowed me to rock on his thigh for a moment more before pulling his leg away, causing me to moan with the ache of disappointment.