“Thank God.”

“A marriage between you and Tatum would be the perfect way for you to show Vico you are not afraid, that you are not hiding.”

I shrugged. “But I’m not afraid. I’m not hiding.”

“You’re hiding her.”

“Was me making her a part of Ricardo’s interrogation and execution not proof enough that I’m not hiding her?”

“It’s not enough, Castello. She’s still inside these walls, hidden from the outside world. You need to show Vico you’re confident in the choices you made. By hiding her, you’re letting everyone think you’re afraid, that you think your brother has the means to take what is yours. He already suspects that the best way to get to you is through her. Show him that you do not fear him or the vendetta he has against you. That you are confident enough to take risks.”

I leaned forward, gritting my teeth. “I will not risk her.”

“Then that is your first mistake.”

I jumped up from my seat. “Would you risk Angelique? Would you risk your own wife?”

Uncle Gino too stood up from his seat. “I put her at risk every goddamn day. Every time she steps out of this house, whether at my side or not, her life is at risk. For as long as I’m breathing, her life will be at risk. It’s a constant threat, a threat that will never go away. But it’s a risk I’m willing to take, a threat I’m willing to face if it means I can give her and my children even the tiniest resemblance of a normal life. And if you care about Tatum at all, you would do the same. She is not an animal you can keep caged in.”

I leaned even closer to him. “And if something had to happen to Angelique because you decided the risk was worth it, what then?”

Sadness clouded his expression, worry lines forming across his face. “If something should happen to her because of me, living without her would be the worst punishment. The pain and grief I would feel every day of my life would be my penance.”

I continued to stare at him. Uncle Gino and I might not have seen eye to eye at the beginning, but I respected him. I trusted him. And I knew he loved his wife, his children more than anything else. But like me, he was trapped in the Fattore curse. Being a member of our family had its advantages, but men like us paid dearly for it. Every privilege had a price.

Uncle Gino placed his hand on my shoulder. “Having her in your life would mean constant worry for you. But not having her in your life would be a constant torture. Now which is the lesser of two evils, Castello?”

“Living in torture, but knowing she’s safe is the unselfish thing to do.”

Uncle Gino smiled before patting his palm on my cheek. “Unfortunately, we are human, which means we are a selfish species.”

He walked toward the door. “And, Castello, bring her to dinner tonight. I’d like her to meet Angelique. After all, she has been living in my home for weeks now. It would be the unselfish thing to do…for you to share her with us.” He winked and walked out.

Why did it feel like every time my uncle and I engaged in some sort of conversation it always ended up with us discussing Tatum? It was like he saw right through me, as if he knew what I was thinking and feeling whenever he looked at me.

But could he be right? Was me keeping Tatum hidden a mistake? I didn’t hide her because I wanted to. I was only trying to protect her. I knew my little brother better than anyone. Tatum would be his target, not me. Even though I was the one who pulled the trigger, killing our mother, the entire war raging between us now started with her…and I was afraid it would ultimately end with her.

Chapter 13


When I heard his footsteps outside the bedroom door, I held my breath. He seemed to know me better than I knew myself. How was I going to manage keeping my secret from him?

I tied my robe, my hands brushing against my stomach. My heart skipped a beat.

I have to keep this secret.

“Why are you not in bed?”

I looked up. “I’m feeling better.”

“Doc tells me he’s been up here to see you again.”

My heart stopped. “What else did Doc tell you?”

“Just that he’s sure your fainting spell was stress related.”

I let out a breath and tried to muster up a smile. “See, I told you I was fine.”