Make her my queen by day and my slave by night.

Chapter 6


I knew the second I opened my eyes that he was watching me. In fact, I woke up a few times during the night feeling his gaze on my skin, caressing me, teasing me, making me want him in ways I shouldn’t. It was times like these I wished it was possible for me to see him as nothing more than the man who had me kidnapped, ruining my life in the process. Not having this constant whirlpool of mixed emotions cluttering my mind would have made everything so much easier. I desired him yet hated him at the same time.How is that even possible?

“Did you sleep well?”

I heard the sarcasm in his voice. It felt like a goddamn slap to the face.

“You tell me. You’re the one who sat in the corner and watched me the entire damn night.”

The bed dipped, and I opened my eyes as he took a seat next to me. By looking at him one would never have guessed that he didn’t get any sleep. He looked fresh, handsome, and so wickedly tempting. The scar around his eye just made him so much more intimidating, adding to the alpha dominance that oozed out of him all the damn time. I could see why Vico felt threatened by him. Castello had a way of demanding respect just by entering a room—the way a leader should. All Vico brought with his presence was arrogance and malevolence.

With the back of his hand, Castello caressed the side of my face gently. “I am only going to say this once. Don’t make me say it again.”

I sighed and rolled my eyes. “God, I know, okay. Yesterday was the last time. I won’t cut myself again. Your punishment is still torturing my body.”

He smiled and softly tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “I’m sorry, Tatum.”

Three little words. Three powerful words that made my entire world come to a standstill.

I shifted up and stared at him cautiously. “May I ask what it is you’re sorry for?”


“Everything covers quite a broad spectrum of things. Care to be more specific?”

He got up and buttoned his suit jacket. “Just, everything. Now get dressed.”

“Get dressed for what?”

He shot his cuffs and straightened his sleeves. “Last night you laid out a choice for me, and I’ve made a decision.”

I got out of bed as he turned around and opened the closet door. He reached inside and pulled out a white dress.

I narrowed my eyes. “What is going on?”

“Last night you told me to decide whether you were my slave or my queen.” He walked closer and softly took my hand in his, placing it on the dress. “And I’ve decided.”

“What did you decide?”

By the smile that spread across his face, it was obvious that he saw the shocked expression on mine.

He reached out and dragged his thumb slowly across my lower lip. “Would a man give a two thousand dollar dress to his slave?”

“Two thousand—” I glanced down at the dress. It was a plain white, mini-skirt, high neck dress with a little detail embroidered on the seam. It was plain yet beautiful. Exactly the kind of dress I’d choose for myself. It was like I was an open book to him. Like he knew everything about me.Except my need to be able to make my own choices.

He cocked an eyebrow. “As a member of one of the richest families in America, you sure look shocked about the value of that dress.”

“Just because I come from a rich family doesn’t mean I like bragging about it by buying expensive things and flaunting it in everyone’s faces.”

Castello stepped closer. “Well, you better start liking it. If you’re going to be the woman at my side, you need to embrace the power that comes with it…and flaunt it in everyone’s faces.” He winked teasingly, and all I could do was stare at him.

Woman at his side? Embrace the power that comes with it?Confused did not begin to cover how I was feeling right at that moment. After what happened yesterday, the way I had angered him, how he punished me, I was sure there was no way I’d ever be more than a prisoner to him. Someone that wasn’t worth more than a few fucks a week. Someone that tore his family apart. But now he had managed to knock the wind right out of me by saying all these things that I had no idea how to interpret.

I cleared my throat. “You said I wasn’t strong enough.”