I sat up and placed my elbows on the table, my hands clasped under my chin. “Does your associate have what we need?”

“He does. He will deliver the package within the hour.”

“Good. The drug is starting to wear off, and we need it by the time she wakes up.”

“We’ll have it in time.” Vico turned to the monitor and sighed. “Of all the women in the world, he had to choose the one who in the end destroyed him.”

There was the slightest hint of anger in his voice. I understood the reason for his anger. He had every right to be. Our family had been broken because of this woman and the choices that had been made because of her.

“It’s something we’ll never understand, Vico. But we will punish those who have wronged our family. I will make sure of that.”

Vico placed his hand on my shoulder. “I know, brother. I have no doubt that you will do right by our family. Revenge is within our grasp, Castello. I can practically taste it.”

I turned my head to glance at him and nodded. There was no doubt in my mind that I would get the revenge I promised my mother. The day I watched them lower my brother and father into the ground was the day I vowed to avenge their deaths, no matter the cost.

“Let me know the second it arrives.”

Vico got up from his seat. “I will.” Then he walked out of the room.

I continued to watch her, the anger simmering inside me. The road to my family’s pain and the hunger for revenge had been paved with images of this woman’s face. It all started with her, and it would all end with her. I would make sure of it.

Her eyes started to flick open and shut. She groaned, clutching her stomach, and I knew she was about to throw up.

“Fuck.” I jumped up, pressed the red button against the wall, and the steel door unlocked. Within seconds, I was next to her, grabbing her shoulder and pulling her onto her side. No way was she about to get out of this that easily, by choking to death on her own vomit.

Violent jerks caused her back to hunch forward as her body expelled bile and fuck knew what else from her stomach.

“Jesus.” My two-thousand-dollar suit was covered in vomit, ruined.

Vico came storming in. “What the hell is going on?”

“I don’t fucking know. How much did you give her?”

“The regular dose.”

Suddenly a bout of projectile vomit erupted from her mouth. “You fucking sure?”

Vico rushed to my side, panic written all over his goddamn face. “Yes, I’m fucking sure.”

I looked up at him as I continued to hold her body over the side of the bed. “Was she drunk when you took her?”

“Well, yeah. She was passed out when I found her. But I gave her the dose anyway to make sure she wouldn’t wake up before we got here.”

“Jesus Christ, Vico.”

“I’m sorry, man. I didn’t know she wasn’t supposed to be drunk.”

“Fuck.” I looked back at her, her face sickeningly pale. If she died now, our plan would be ruined. Then all these months of planning would have been for nothing.

“Go get Doc.”

Vico didn’t move.

“Vico, I said go get Doc.”

He jerked upright and rushed out of the room.

After another vomiting spell, her eyes started to roll back in her head, sweat trickling down her face and neck.Shit.