Tatum’s glare moved from me to Vico, and instantly the fire she had in her eyes a second ago was gone, replaced with fear. She was afraid of him, and I didn’t blame her. My little brother did look like one mean motherfucker with his broad shoulders and long black hair tied at the back of his neck. I’d bet seeing me and my brother standing next to each other tripled the amount of fear that possessed her.

Vico placed the tray on the bed and stepped in beside me. The way he stared at Tatum like she was the prey didn’t go unnoticed by me. I could just imagine what kind of savage thoughts were going through his mind right now.

“Tatum, this is my little brother, Vico. Vico, this is our guest, Miss Linscott.”

Vico held out his hand, but Tatum stepped back, pressing her back against the wall.

Vico snorted. “Don’t be afraid, Miss Linscott. I won’t hurt you…much.”

I kept my gaze locked on her, watching her chest rise and fall. “Don’t be rude. Shake his hand, Tatum.”

She didn’t move.

“I said don’t be rude.” I raised my voice, causing her to flinch, but she still didn’t attempt to take Vico’s hand.

Without warning, Vico launched himself forward, grabbing Tatum around the throat, bringing his face a few inches from hers. “I knew you were a cunt without a spine.” He tightened his grip, and she groaned, closing her eyes as more tears slipped down her face. “Tonight, when you go on your knees and pray, you better thank God that Castello has been put in charge of you. If it was me, you would have been battered and bruised within an inch of your life by now.” He leaned closer to her ear, letting his cheek touch hers. “And you would have been utterly used”—he licked up the side of her face—“and completely fucked.”

Tatum sobbed, and Vico pressed her head harder against the wall. If I was a good man, I would have stopped him. I would have torn him away from her and probably knocked his teeth out, but I was not a good man. In fact, I loved seeing the fear in her eyes, witnessing as it ate away at her soul.

I straightened my jacket. “Vico, that’s enough. You’re going to make the poor woman piss herself.”

Vico let go of her throat and stepped back, and we both watched as Tatum fell to her knees coughing and gagging while she continued to cry. The sight was beautiful.

I turned to Vico. “Leave.”

“What?” He shot me a questioning look.

“I said leave.”

“Are you fucking kidding me? I was just starting to enjoy it.”

“I don’t give a fuck. I said leave. Now.”

Vico glowered at me, silently cursing my existence. “You will not have all the fun with this one, brother.”

“This is not about fun,brother.If you think fun is part of the fucking plan, think again.” I could no longer hide my annoyance. “Now leave before I make you.”

He straightened his shoulders, and I got his message loud and clear. He would not let this slide, but he didn’t have a choice…for now. I was the Boss, I held the power, and he fucking knew that.

“Fine.” He walked toward the door before turning and glancing at Tatum still crying on the floor. “But before this is all over, I want my piece of her.” He looked at me. “Promise me, brother, you will let me exact my own revenge before this is done. He was my brother too.”

I didn’t respond, but I knew Vico would want his own payment before this was over. My little brother was wired that way, selfish and needing to feel like he had power too.

“Promise me,” he repeated, and I nodded.

“I promise. You will get your revenge.”

He lowered his head in respect. “Thank you, brother.” And then he walked out, leaving me alone with the poor, sobbing girl.

“For God’s sake, get up, Tatum.”

She didn’t.

I crouched down, grabbed her arm, and pulled her to her feet. “I said get up!”

“Please don’t do this.” Her eyes were bloodshot from all the crying, her hair sticking to her damn face.

“It’s already done, little mouse. Your fate has been decided. You sealed it the day you pushed your filthy claws into my brother.”