Page 47 of Kiss the Girl

Putting her fork down, she leveled him with a glare. “You know what I’m trying to say, Jackson. Everyone thought I was Cash’s daughter and…”

“But you’re not.”

“No, I realize that, but everyone thought…”

“And they were wrong,” he interrupted and when she looked ready to spit nails, he stopped her again. “Look, the situation was a little…out of the ordinary. Now I can’t speak for everyone, but to my knowledge, my family is pretty smart. Once the cat was out of the bag on who you were, that was it. You’re a friend of Cash’s. End of story.”

“It’s not just that…”

That’s when it hit him.

Maybe he was a little more into her than she was into him.


With a soft sigh, Jackson forced himself not to appear too disappointed. After all, they were going to have to continue to see each other until…well, until Cash passed. No need to make things awkward.

“It’s okay, Savannah,” he said with a small smile. Picking up his fork, he added, “I get it.”

“No,” she said with a hint of amusement. “I…don’t think you do.”

That wasn’t quite the response he was expecting.

Pushing her plate aside, she rested her arms on the table. “Okay, you were brave enough to be honest with me, so I think it’s only fair that I do the same with you.”


“I’m a fairly cautious person. After being so reckless at eighteen, it was like…you know…lesson learned. Since then, I am always afraid to make the wrong move and so I’ve been sitting here for a week agonizing over this whole situation. What would everyone think? What if it freaks people out? What if things get weird between us and then we’re stuck hanging out until I leave?”

“Wait…you’re still planning on leaving?”

She sighed loudly. “Can you just let me finish please?”

All he did was nod.

“I want you, Jackson. A lot. Like…it’s all I think about. It’s completely irrational because right now, with everything going on, the last thing I should have on my mind is sex. But I do! It’s there! All the damn time! And not just sex in general, sex withyouspecifically!”

He knew he was smiling and probably shouldn’t, but he couldn’t seem to help it.

“I mean…these last few years have been awful and these next few weeks are going to be devastating. I shouldnotbe thinking about hot and sweaty sex with you, but it’s always there!”

Yeah, he was grinning pretty hard by now.

Like his face actually hurt from it.

“Why you? I mean…it seems like I wouldn’t be obsessing so much about this if you were any other guy. But you’re not and it makes things complicated and…”

“Why?” he asked. “Why does it have to be complicated?”

“Um…the family thing? Your father in the next room? Take your pick.”

Hmm…okay, probably not the best place for them to be having this conversation, but knowing how she really felt just meant that they were going to have to get a little more creative about spending time together.

“The family thing we’ve covered and it’s a non-issue. Everyone loves you,” he assured her. “As for Cash in the next room? Yeah, so…that just means I can’t haul you into my lap right now and do all the things I’ve been obsessing about,” he said with a wink. “At least…not tonight.”

Her lips parted on a breathy, “Oh.”

“So here’s what I’m thinking,” he said, and was proud of how logical and calm he sounded when his heart was pounding a little erratically and he was fighting the urge to kiss her. “We should finish our dinner—because it’s seriously delicious—and then we go inside, sit on the couch, and make out like a couple of horny teenagers. It will be fun!”