Page 39 of Kiss the Girl

“Yup. Have you finally heard from him?”

“Yup,” his brother mimicked. “Just got off the phone with him. G and I were having lunch together, so basically we both got to talk to him.”

Jackson’s heart hammered hard in his chest, wondering if his father had stayed true to his word about not letting anyone know he was back in town too.


“And we’re going over to see him tonight. We thought you might want to be a part of it, and maybe we can set up a video chat or something.”

The relief that washed over him was quick and he could honestly say it was the first time possibly in his life that his father hadn’t lied. “Uh…sure. Sure. What time?”

“We’re going over at six.”

“Is Mom going too?”

“No,” Austin told him. “I haven’t called her to let her know and now that she and Dom are back in a good place, the less I feel like letting Cash disrupt that.”

“You know that’s not really your call to make.”

“Maybe. But for now, it’s the one I’m making. Until we talk to him and know what’s going on, I just feel like the less people involved, the better.”

Nodding, he agreed. “So, what did he say to you?”

“Just that he knows he owes us an explanation for why he left the way he did the last time and that he’d like to sit down and talk and maybe make peace with us since he’s…he’s um…”

“He’s dying,” Jackson finished for him.

“Yeah. That.”

There was something in his brother’s voice that gave away any bravado he was trying to present.

“It’s okay to be upset about it,” he told Austin. “You, more than any of us, should feel this whole thing a little more deeply.”

“How do you figure that?”

“You’re the oldest,” he replied simply. “Out of the three of us, you had the most time with Cash.”

“So you’re saying it’s not going to bother you when he dies?”

Shrugging, he said, “I don’t think that’s something I can really answer. I’m not going to know until the time comes.”

“I guess that’s fair enough.” He paused. “So…you’re good with a video chat tonight?”

Jackson already knew he was going to show up in person, but he’d deal with that at six rather than get into it now on the phone.

“Yeah. That works. I’ll call you around that time and we’ll see what this is all about, okay?”

“Sounds good, bro. Thanks.”

He hung up and drove back to his temporary home without thinking about much of anything. It wasn’t until he was back in the apartment that he let it all sink in.

Savannah’s life.

Cash’s illness.

The fact that his father was more of a father to Savannah than he was to his own biological children.

Kissing Savannah.