
Two months later:

“What’s this?” Knox asked, looking over the piece of paper that Slater handed him. He had stormed into his office, not speaking a word to him, and handed him a sheet of paper.

“My resignation,” Slater growled. “I gave you my word that I’d keep Beck and her family safe and I didn’t keep that promise,” he said.

Knox tore up the paper and tossed it into the trash can that sat next to his desk. “That’s bullshit, Slater. I won’t accept your resignation.” Slater huffed out his breath as if he was relieved that Knox tore up the letter.

“I let you down, Knox. How can you trust me to take care of you and your family? How do you know I’ll be able to handle the security for the casino?” Slater asked.

“Because you’re the best damn security guard that I know. You’re also a good man and I consider you my brother, Slater. Being in the Smokey Bandits makes us brothers and we don’t quit on each other just because of one slip up.”

“Slip up?” Slater asked. “How can you call it that? Felicity held your pregnant woman at gunpoint. She shot Beck in the shoulder and could have killed them both. That’s more than just a slip-up, Boss. Felicity could have taken down your whole world and I was the one who let her slip past my defenses to do it.”

“Beck is safe and Felicity is behind bars for a very long time. I trust you with my and my family’s lives, man,” Knox admitted. “You don’t ever get to quit on us—you understand?”

“Yeah,” Slater said.

“I need you to keep us all safe, Slater,” Knox said. “In my line of work, there will always be someone who wants to bring me down. I need you just where you are—at the head of my security team. Can you be there for me?” Knox asked.

“Of course,” Slater said, nodding. “Thanks, Knox,” Slater said.

“So—Rainey Nolan?” Knox asked.

“What about her?” Slater questioned. He sounded downright defensive and Knox wanted to laugh at just how uncomfortable his head of security seemed talking about Beck’s sister. He could tell that Slater had feelings for Rainey—Knox just didn’t know how deep they went until now. Slater’s question spoke volumes.

“You like her,” Knox said. He wasn’t really asking Slater—more telling him.

“No,” Slater said, pointing a finger at Knox. He looked like he was scolding a puppy for having an accident.

Knox chuckled and shook his head. “Okay, man. Have it your way. I won’t push but just know that I think it’s great. Rainey is a good person who’s been through hell. Just do me one favor,” Knox breathed.

“Depends on the favor, Boss,” Slater said.

“Don’t play with her.” Knox crossed the room, giving Slater some space. His friend looked about ready to tear him apart and Knox wasn’t taking any chances.

“What the hell does that mean?” Slater growled.

“It means that Rainey has been through hell and back. She lost her husband when she was pregnant with little Ella. She has had to raise four kids on her own. She might seem like a damn strong woman, but she has her limits. Don’t lead her on if all you’re looking for is a quick fuck. Rainey is worth more than that, man,” Knox said.

Slater looked about ready to pummel him and Knox was glad that he had put some distance between the two of them. “I’d never do that to her,” Slater whispered as if trying to reign in his temper.

“Didn’t say that you would,” Knox said, holding up his hands. “I just don’t want to see my future sister-in-law hurt.”

“Not a problem, Boss,” Slater said. His smile was mean and Knox knew that he had pissed his friend off. “Because I’ve already told you that I have no interest in Rainey Nolan. She was an assignment—that’s all.”

Knox nodded, “We good?” he asked.

“Yep,” Slater lied. As if on cue, Beck stumbled into his office with Rainey in tow.

“Oh, sorry guys,” she said. “Did we interrupt?”

“No,” Slater growled. “In fact, I was just leaving. Good to see you, Rainey,” he almost whispered on his way out. Knox rolled his eyes at his friend’s theatrics.

“Is he okay?” Rainey asked.

“Yeah—he’s just a drama queen,” Knox said. He crossed the office and pulled Beck into his arms, shamelessly kissing her in front of her sister. “How has your day been?” he asked.