“How so?” Rainey asked.

“I had Slater keep an eye on Felicity after she threatened me and blackmailed me for a job in accounting,” Knox said.

“Wait—isn’t blackmail against the law?” Rainey asked.

“Yes, but again, I gave in to Felicity’s demands to keep my promise to Beck,” he said.

“Aww,” Rainy breathed into the phone and Slater chuckled.

“Anyway,” Knox interrupted. “Slater put one of our guys on watching Felicity and found her camped out in her car in front of Beck’s apartment. Tell me she’s not at her place, Rainey,” Knox ordered.

“She’s not,” Rainey quickly admitted. “She’s been here with me and the kids since she left the casino this morning.”

“Thank God,” Knox breathed.

“How are me and my kids in danger?” she questioned.

“If I could find you online, Felicity will be able to also,” Slater said. “You have a lot of public information online about your family,” he said.

“Crap,” she breathed. “So, she could be on her way here now, right?” she asked. “How unstable is this woman exactly?”

“Don’t know,” Slater said. “If you’re okay with us coming over, I’d like to make sure that your security system is up to speed and put a guard at your place.”

“Up to speed?” Rainey asked. “That would mean that I have a security system, right?” Slater groaned. “Is all this really necessary?” she questioned.

“Yes,” Knox said. “If Felicity is angry enough to show up at Beck’s place and sit in her car for hours on end, waiting for your sister to show up, then there’s no telling what she’ll do next.”

“We just want to keep you and your family safe, Mrs. Nolan,” Slater said. Silence filled the room and Knox worried that she was going to refuse. If she didn’t allow them to come over, he’d sit outside of Rainey’s house and guard her family himself, but there was no way that he’d rest knowing that they were unguarded tonight.

“Fine,” she agreed. “You can come over but if either of you rings my doorbell, I’ll personally cut your arms off—are we clear?”

“Chrystal,” Slater said. “We’ll be over in about ten minutes. You aren’t far from us.” Rainey made a disgruntled humming noise in the back of her throat and ended the call. “I like her,” Slater said, handing Knox back her phone. “She’s feisty.”

“Yeah,” Knox agreed. “She reminds me of her sister. Beck isn’t going to be thrilled to see me, but this gives me a fighting chance. Her sister will hopefully fill her in on what’s going on and maybe she’ll hear me out. Thanks, Slater,” he said.

“No problem, Boss. You ready to head out?” Slater asked.

“As I’ll ever be,” he agreed. He wasn’t sure how things would play out tonight, but he wouldn’t rest until Beck gave him another chance. She had become too important to him to just give up on her now.