
Knox’s cell phone rang and he answered it without even checking to see who was calling. “What?” he shouted into the phone.

“Jesus, man,” Ace breathed. “You need to calm the fuck down. What if I was Beck calling you to give your dumb ass another chance?”

“Why are you calling me, Ace?” Knox asked. “You hear from Beck? Do you have news?”

“I do,” Ace said.

“Thank fuck,” Knox growled. “Where the hell is she?” he asked.

“I think I shouldn’t tell you that bit of information. She’s pretty shaken up. Listen, I have no idea what happened, but I do know that for some reason, Beck doesn’t think that she can trust you,” Ace said.

“Shit,” Knox shouted. “I knew that Felicity got to her. I knew she filled her head with lies.”

“Felicity as in your old assistant? The one you called at four in the morning to ask for some reports?” Ace asked.

“Yeah—that assistant. She’s been trying to weasel her way back into the casino and she found a loophole,” Knox said.

“A loophole?” Ace asked.

“Yeah—she saw a note that Beck had left me, saying that she was looking forward to our date. Felicity is a smart woman and she quickly put it all together. She threatened to go to HR and say things about me that aren’t true.”

“Who gives a fuck?” Ace growled. “Let her go tell HR her lies. We own the fucking company.”

“Right, but I made Beck a promise that no one except you, Trinity, and Slater would know about us being together,” Knox admitted. “If she goes to HR, they will eventually find out that Beck and I are having a relationship and that’s not what she wants.”

“Are the two of you together?” Ace asked.

“I hope that we are,” Knox whispered. “After today though, I don’t know. What if she doesn’t believe me, Ace? What if she believes that bitch, Felicity, and then quits?”

“Is that what you’re worried about, Knox?” Ace asked. “You’re worried about having to find another assistant?”

“No,” Knox almost shouted through his cell. “I care about Beck, Ace. I’m worried that she won’t give me another chance if I fuck this all up. I don’t give a fuck about her being my assistant. I want her in my bed. I want a relationship with her. Fuck the job,” he spat.

“I’m glad to hear that, man,” Ace said. “Beck’s a nice girl and Trinity will kill you if you hurt her friend.”

Knox laughed, “I think I can handle your new wife.”

“You keep your fucking hands off of my new wife, Knox. Best friend or not, you even think about touching Trinity and I’ll be the last face you see.”

“Got it,” Knox said. “I appreciate you talking me down off the ledge, Ace.”

“Not a problem,” he said. “If I tell you where Beck is, you promise not to fuck everything up?” Ace asked.

“I’ll do my very best, man,” Knox promised. “I just want to see her, Ace. I want to know that she’s all right and tell her that Felicity isn’t telling her the full story. I just need a chance to explain,” he begged. He wasn’t above begging. Hell, he wasn’t above groveling, if that’s what it took to get to Beck.

“She’s at her sister’s house. Her name is Rainey Nolan and she’s a widow with four little kids. You wake them up and Rainey will kill you. Be careful, man,” Ace said.

“Thanks for the heads up, Ace. You’re a good friend,” Knox said. Ace grumbled something about him being a sappy asshole and ended the call. Maybe he was acting like a sap, but at least he’d be able to convince Beck to give him another chance.

* * *

Knox never really visited Slater’s side of the penthouse. He had an entire security office set up over there and his personal living quarters. It was a comfort knowing that his head of security was close when he needed him, and right now, Knox needed Slater.

He gently knocked on Slater’s door, hoping that he had caught him before he called it a night. “Slater,” Knox breathed through the door. “You up?”

Slater pulled open his door and flashed Knox a grin. “It’s not even ten o’clock, boss,” he said. “How old do you think I am?” He knew that Slater was only forty, but Knox liked to give him shit about his age, even calling him an “Old man.”