* * *

Beck finished up the dishes for her sister and settled down on her make-shift bed that Rainey made her on the sofa. Sleeping on the sofa wasn’t so bad—it was a hell of a lot better than having to deal with Knox beating down her door at her place all night.

She checked her cell and when she did the quick math, she realized that it was just before dinner time where Trinity and Ace were, so, she took a chance. She called Trinity and had almost given up when her friend breathlessly answered.

“Hello,” Trinity answered.

“Hey—sorry to interrupt,” Beck said.

“Beck,” Trinity breathed. “Where are you?”

“I’m back at home,” she said. “Why?”

“You are not at your apartment because Knox has been blowing up both my and Ace’s phones to ask if we’ve heard from you. He’s out of his mind with worry, Beck. What the hell is going on there?” Trinity asked.

“It’s a long story. You might as well put me on speaker so that Ace can hear. I’ll need his advice with this mess too, I’m guessing,” Beck said.

“Hey Beck,” Ace said after Trinity put her on speaker.

“Hi Ace,” Beck breathed.

“What the fuck is going on?” Ace asked. “Knox has been tearing up the town looking for you. He said that you called in sick and then blew him off for your date tonight.”

“First, it wasn’t a date. Second, I blew him off because I can’t decide if I should believe him or not,” Beck said.

“Listen, I won’t pretend to understand everything that has happened between the two of you in the past twenty-four hours, Beck,” Ace said. “But, I can tell you this—Knox Heart is the most honest person on the planet. If you are trying to figure out if you should believe him or someone else—choose him. I would, all day, every day. I trust Knox with my and my family member’s lives. You can trust him, Beck.”

“I—I don’t know who I can trust anymore,” she said. “That’s one of the reasons why I came to Rainey’s. I needed to lay low and think.”

“I get that,” Ace said. “But, when you’re ready to talk to him, hear him out. Give Knox a chance to explain and know that he’s telling you the truth. I promise, he won’t hurt you, Beck,” Ace assured.

“I’ll think about it, Ace,” she agreed. “You two probably want to get back to whatever I just interrupted.”

“Yep,” Ace said. She heard Trinity giggling and they both said goodbye in unison and ended the call, making her smile.

Beck tossed her cell to the coffee table and pulled the quilt Rainey had left for her, over her shoulders. All she wanted to do was sleep for a full eight hours and then, she’d find a way to face Knox. Beck needed to hear him out and at least give him the benefit of the doubt. If Ace vouched for him, he couldn’t be as bad as Felicity made him out to be. But, the part of her who had always been a little skeptical about anything having to do with a “relationship” wasn’t so optimistic.