“Smooth talker,” she teased.

“But, your sister is completely wrong about dating me. It’s a fucking fantastic idea. Plus, you said yourself that we aren’t dating—this isn’t a relationship. We’re just two people enjoying each other’s company and having sex.” He said that last part a little loud and Beck looked around the restaurant as if trying to see if anyone had overheard him.

“Right,” she agreed. “But, could you not be so loud when you talk about us having sex?” she whispered.

“All right, but I do have a request for rule number two,” he said.

“Shoot,” Beck ordered.

“I want complete control in the bedroom,” he insisted.

“As in you can boss me around?” she asked. “How will that be any different from what you’ll be doing at the office?” she asked.

“Fair point,” he agreed. “At the office, you’ll have some freedom to do as you please. There will be some days that I will hardly be in the office and you’ll be in charge of things in my absence. The employees will know that if they have a problem, and Ace and I are in meetings or out of the office, they will be able to turn to you for answers.”

“Oh,” she breathed. “Well, that actually sounds nice. I’d like that, Knox. Thank you.”

“Not a problem. I figure you’re working under your skill set, taking the job as my assistant. You should be capable of keeping the machine running smoothly in my absence, correct?” he asked.

She smiled at him, “You know that I wasn’t just Trinity’s assistant?” she asked.

“Yep,” he said. “I didn’t just hire you to bed you, Beck. I hired you because you’re a damn good paralegal and I can use someone like you on my team. I talked to Trinity before hiring you and checked out your background and references.”

“Wow,” she said. “Thank you. I had no idea.”

“Well, now you do. You also need to know that I crave complete dominance in the bedroom,” he said.

“Mine or yours?” she asked.

“Mine. I need your submission. Will you be able to give me control in the bedroom, Beck?” he asked. He held his breath waiting for her answer. Her not submitting to him would be a deal-breaker for him.

“What would happen if I said that I can’t give you that, Knox?” she asked.

“Then, I’d thank you for a lovely evening and we’d see each other at the office. It’s not just something that I’d like from you, Beck. I need it.”

“Why?” she asked. Telling her the whole sad story from his past wasn’t something that he planned on doing—ever. “It’s a long story and something that I like to keep to myself. Let’s just say that I didn’t have it easy as a kid and control in the bedroom is something that I must insist on. Can you give me that, Beck?”

She sat back in her seat and looked him over. “I think that I’d like to try, Knox,” she said. “If you promise that if or even when you want to tell someone your story, you’ll choose to tell me,” she said. He liked that she wasn’t pushing him to tell his story, especially after asking her for complete control. Most women would demand tit for tat, but Beck seemed to roll with the punches more, and he liked that about her. She was not only easy on the eyes, but she was also easy to talk to and he was sure that if they could keep the two things separate, she’d be a dream to work with. He was sure that she’d call him on his shit—especially when he became a demanding asshole and called her at four in the morning, asking where some reports were. Hopefully, he wouldn’t have to call Beck at four in the morning, she’d be in bed beside him.

“Deal,” he agreed. “If I ever decide to talk about my past, you’ll be the first person that I call, Beck,” he said.

“Then I’m willing to let you have control in the bedroom, Knox. What happens if I don’t like something?” she asked, suddenly looking very concerned.

“You’ll have the power to tell me that you don’t like anything we try, Honey,” he promised. The waiter cleared their plates from the first course and brought out their main course.

“Lobster?” she asked.

“Yep,” Knox said. “Trinity said it’s your favorite.”

“It is,” she said. “I’ve never had anyone go to this much trouble to take me to dinner, Knox.”

“Well, I’ve always been an over achiever, Beck,” he teased. “Maybe all of the other guys who were lucky enough to have you agree to go out with them to dinner were just doing it all wrong,” he said.

“Probably,” she said. She took a bite of her dinner and hummed her approval and his damn cock took notice of the sexy little noises that she was making.

“Good?” he asked.

“Very,” she whispered. “Will I be spending the night, you know, after we—have sex?” she leaned forward and whispered.