“Well, now she’s broken the law—destruction of property. Have you called the police?” Beck asked.

“Slater has called them in. I’m going to head home as soon as we finish talking with them. There is a guard outside the door at the penthouse. He’s the one who Slater sent over earlier. Order in some food and stay put until Slater and I get there.”

“Do you think it’s still wise for us to leave in the morning, given everything that has happened?” she asked.

“Yes,” he breathed.

“What happens if Felicity goes after my sister and her kids, wanting to get to me?” she questioned.

“Slater will be staying here. He won’t let anything happen to Rainey or her kids. I promise, this will all be over soon, and then, we will finally be able to breathe again.” That thought made her want to laugh. She had a feeling that life with Knox would always be a little chaotic. It had been that way since she met him at Trinity and Ace’s wedding ceremony at the court house and he asked her to be his assistant. They had been moving at warp speed since then and she had a feeling that life wouldn’t ever slow down for them.

“Can I order you both something?” she asked.

“No,” he said. “I’m not sure when we’ll be home. Just get something for yourself and I’ll worry about Slater and myself on the way home.”

“Be careful, Knox,” she insisted.

“I will, Honey. You too and try not to worry too much—it’s not good for the baby.” He ended the call and she slipped her cell phone into her pocket. Not worrying was going to be easier said than done as long as Felicity was out to hurt her and her baby.

* * *

Beck called her sister back and then called to order some food. After she ate, she packed for herself and grabbed a few essentials for Knox. She was exhausted but didn’t want to go to bed without Knox being home, so she stretched out on the sofa and pulled the throw from the back of it over her body. She’d take a little nap until Knox came home and then he could fill her in on what the police said.

She was having the loveliest dream when she felt someone’s hand on her shoulder, trying to shake her awake. “Knox,” she breathed, opening her eyes to find that he wasn’t home yet. She sat up and looked around the dimly lit room, wiping the sleep from her eyes.

“How long have I been asleep?” she whispered to herself. She threw off the blanket that she had covered herself with and stood to go into the kitchen. She had left her cell phone in there when she ordered dinner and Beck wanted to call Knox for an update. She checked the clock on the family room wall and saw that it was only ten o’clock, but she expected him to be home by now.

She walked into the kitchen and looked around, trying to figure out where her cell phone was. She could have sworn that she left it on the center island, but her pregnancy brain sometimes got the best of her. Beck quickly checked her pockets and didn’t find her cell.

“Shit,” she breathed, “where is my cell phone?”

“Um—this cell phone?” a woman asked from behind her. She didn’t have to turn around to know who she was dealing with.

“Felicity,” she said, turning to find that her assumption was correct. “How did you get into my home?” The blond was blocking her only way out of the kitchen, her newly purchased gun pointed right at Beck’s belly.

“You mean Knox’s home, right? You aren’t supposed to be here,” Felicity said.

“How did you get in?” Beck asked again.

“Oh—I have a key,” she said. “I guess Knox forgot that he gave me a key to his place when I was his assistant. He was expecting a delivery here that needed to be signed for, so he gave me a key and asked me to wait around over here.”

“Why are you here, Felicity?” Beck asked.

“To reclaim what’s mine,” she said, shrugging as if breaking into her home and holding a gun at Beck wasn’t a big deal.

“What’s yours?” Beck asked.

“Yes—Knox, this penthouse, my job, everything. You took my life from me, Beck, and I want it back.” Felicity took a step toward her and Beck covered her belly with her arms. She was only just starting to show, but in the baggy sweats that she was wearing, no one would be able to tell. If Felicity knew that Beck was pregnant, maybe she’d back down.

“I’m pregnant, Felicity. Please don’t hurt my baby,” she begged.

“Oh, I already know all about your pregnancy, Beck. I watched as Knox tried to figure out which test to purchase at the pharmacy on the corner. Poor guy just gave up and bought them all, didn’t he?” Felicity asked.

“You were following Knox?” Beck questioned.

“The whole time. I’ve had my eye on both of you, actually,” she admitted.

“Wow,” beck breathed. “You’ve been a busy woman.” Taunting Felicity might not be the way to go, but she wasn’t sure what her options were. Beck had no weapon, no cell phone, and no help on the way as far as she knew.