
Two months passed and they had settled into a comfortable routine. Slater had a guard on Rainey and her kids, although he took most of the shifts, Knox needed him back at the casino to help keep an eye on Felicity.

His former assistant was good at flying under the radar and that grew more frustrating by the day. Beck wanted him to fire her, break his deal with her and let Felicity go to HR. She promised that she’d be fine with the fallout, but he wasn’t sure that he would be. If Beck was the one hurt in all of this mess, he’d never forgive himself.

Beck had given up her apartment and he had movers deliver her stuff to his penthouse that same day. He wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth and when Beck agreed to move in with him, he quickly made that happen. It felt right having her in his space like she was always supposed to be there and she was even coming around to calling their relationship a “relationship.” The best part about being with Beck was that he got to work with her too. He knew that her talents were being wasted as his assistant, but he couldn’t keep an eye on her in another department, especially with Felicity still roaming the halls.

Beck started using the home gym that he put in at the penthouse. They got up every morning to work out together and then, they got ready to go into the office together. Knox couldn’t believe that he’d be happy with someone that he spent every waking hour with, but he was wrong. Being with Beck made him happy; he just hoped that she felt the same way. Knox refused to push her past her comfort zone and telling her that he had fallen in love with her would have her running as far and as fast as she could from him. He kept that bit of information to himself and decided that when the time was right, he’d find a way to tell her that their no strings, just sex deal had turned into him falling in love with her. The question was—would the time ever be right to tell Beck that?

Ace and Trinity came home from their honeymoon and Knox had to admit, having his best friend and business partner back was a relief. The four of them had gotten together for dinners, here and there, but Beck worried that being around them would only put them and their growing little family in danger, and neither of them wanted that. He sometimes wished that he could just whisk Beck away to someplace safe and keep her there until Slater could find something on Felicity. They believed that sooner or later, she’d fuck up and show her hand, and then he’d be able to fire her. For now, Ace agreed to handle anything that might come up with Felicity that would have to be handled in a boss/employee setting. Knox didn’t want to have anything to do with her since they had caught her stalking Beck.

He and Slater had somehow convinced Beck to allow them to put a guard on her twenty-four, seven. The only privacy she got was in the bathroom and when they were at home since he had the guard stay in Slater’s wing. Beck hated it, but she was being a good sport. Her sister convinced her that Felicity showing up at both Beck’s apartment and Rainey’s home, only proved that she was unstable. Her sister was the deciding factor in Beck agreeing to a personal guard and Knox was grateful to her.

Beck poked her head into his office and she looked worried about something. Knox stood and crossed his office, pulling her into his arms. “Hey—what’s wrong?” he whispered. Beck burst into tears and he was sure that whatever it was would only piss him off. “Is it Felicity?” he asked.

Beck shook her head and sniffled. “No,” she sobbed.

“Then, tell me what’s wrong,” he ordered.

“I just went to the bathroom,” she whispered.

“Did someone upset you? Did they hurt you?” he asked checking her over.

“Knox,” she shouted. “You need to listen to me. I went to the bathroom because I thought that my period was going to finally start, but it hasn’t.” He pulled her into his office and shut the door.

“What does that mean, Beck?” he questioned.

“I’m late,” she cried. “I thought it was fine—women are late all the time. Anything can cause it—stress,” she breathed. “God, we’ve been under so much stress that I didn’t realize it when I missed last month.”

“Wait—you missed your period last month?” he asked. Beck pulled free from his arms and crossed the room to sit down on the big sectional sofa that sat in the corner of the room.

“I did,” she said. Beck defiantly raised her chin at him as if daring him to challenge her.

“How late are you, exactly?” Knox asked. He was nervously pacing the floor in front of her.

“Two months,” she breathed. “I’m two months late, Knox.” Beck buried her face in her hands and sobbed. Knox sat down next to her and practically pulled her onto his lap.

“Don’t cry, Honey,” he begged.

“How could I be so stupid?” she asked. “How could I let this happen?”

“You didn’t let anything happen,” Knox insisted. “We are both in this together,” he promised.

“I’m on the pill and I thought I’d be protected,” she insisted. “But, when everything happened with Felicity and then the move, I missed a few pills. I took them late and well, I guess that messes with the effectiveness of the pill. I’m so sorry.”

“Nothing for you to be sorry about, Beck. You’ve been through a lot. Forgetting to take your pill is normal after everything you’ve gone through. Have you taken a test?” he asked.

“No,” she whispered. “I guess I’ve just been hoping that my period would just show up—you know. I was a chicken and didn’t want to face the possibility of a baby.” The thought of Beck having his baby made him happy. He wanted kids and he was sure now that he wanted them with Beck. He just hoped that if she was pregnant, she’d be on the same page as he was already on.

“How about I run down to the corner pharmacy and buy a few tests. I’ll come back here and you can take them in my bathroom. We can figure this out together,” he assured.

Beck nodded and smiled at him through her tears, causing him to laugh. “There’s my girl,” he teased. “You just lay here and relax and I’ll be ten minutes, tops.”

“Thank you, Knox,” she whispered.

“Of course, Honey,” he said. He helped her off of his lap and stood. “Back in a flash,” he promised. He looked back on his way out of his office to find Beck curled into the fetal position on his sofa and she looked so frail that he almost turned back around to hold her. First, he’d go to the store and buy the pregnancy test, and then, he’d hold her while they waited for the results.

He texted Slater that he was heading out for a few minutes and to make sure that Beck’s guard had eyes on his office where he left her. As soon as he sent the message his cell rang. “Knox,” Slater growled into the phone.