“Please, Knox,” she whispered. “I need this job.”

He smiled at her and nodded, “I know,” he said. “And, after I talked to Trinity and she made me promise not to fire you, I started thinking about you in a whole different light. I mean, I always thought that you were beautiful, and wanting you wasn’t ever an issue. But, you’re funny and sweet. Hell, I couldn’t get you out of my fucking mind and in the short time that we’ve known each other, all I could do was fantasize about you being mine.”

“Oh,” Beck breathed.

“I thought that I was finally going to have my chance with you when you told me yes to dinner tonight,” he admitted. “But then, I walked into that damn restaurant and you had a list of rules waiting for me. I wasn’t sure how to address any of them, except to tell you yes, because telling you no would have you walking out of our dinner and I just wanted my chance with you, Beck,” he admitted.

“And now?” she asked.

“Now, I don’t think that I’ll be able to let you go. Now that I’ve had you, Beck, I want you even more. I want you to be mine. I want the fucking strings that seem to scare the hell out of you. I want people to know that we’re together. If not now, then at some point in the future, when you’re ready for all of that. But, you telling me that we aren’t a ‘we’, is just pissing me off. Would it be so terrible to have a relationship with me, Beck?” he asked.

“God, no,” she whispered. “It’s all that I can think about. I want that too, Knox. But, I can’t deal with people around the casino looking at me like I fucked my way into my job with you. That’s what they’ll think,” she insisted. “I’ve worked too hard to get to where I am to have everyone think that I’m a whore who slept my way to the top of the food chain.”

“I get that,” he admitted. “What if we knock out all of the rules except the first. I promise to keep our relationship under wraps at work, as long as you agree that what’s happening between us is a relationship. I want the strings, Beck.” She walked into his kitchen, pulled out a barstool from the large center island, and sat down. His request was a fair one. Not many guys would care if she was offering them casual sex. Hell, most red-blooded men would jump on that offer and not think twice. Knox insisting that she give him more was almost sweet and honestly, she wanted more with him too. Denying that now would be a betrayal to them both.

“All right,” she agreed. “Casual sex is off the table.”

“Right,” he agreed. “But, just to be clear, sex is still on the table, right?” he asked. Knox looked over at the large kitchen table that took up most of the corner of the room and back at her, and Beck couldn’t help her giggle.

“Sex is most definitely on the table,” she agreed. “I’d like to try adding some strings, Knox,” she said. “But, I’m going to need time before we go public around the office. If you can leave rule number one in place, then I can agree to try thinking about this thing between us as a relationship.” She grimaced and Knox laughed.

“Well, you don’t have to say the word like it leaves a bad taste in your mouth, Beck.” Knox pulled out the stool next to her and sat down.

“It’s just going to take me some time—can you give me that, Knox?” she asked.

“I can,” he agreed. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m still going to push you for more, but I can back off for now,” he promised.

“Thank you,” she breathed. “So, now what?”

“Now, my beautiful assistant,” he said, pulling her onto his lap. “You let me take you up to my room and tie you to my bed, as promised.”

“I do remember making you such a promise,” she agreed. “Lead the way,” she insisted.

“I thought I was the bossy one,” Knox teased, causing Beck to giggle.

* * *

The next morning, Beck got up early and found her way back to his kitchen. The smell of coffee had her itching for a cup and then, she hoped to go into the casino early for a quick workout and shower before work. Knox and Ace had put in a great gym for their employees and she loved that she didn’t have to pay for an expensive gym membership to stay in shape.

“Hey.” Knox was standing in his kitchen in just a pair of boxers. He handed her a mug of coffee and she grunted and nodded. “So, not a morning person,” he teased.

Beck sipped her coffee and shook her head. “Not at all. In fact, I suggest you don’t talk to me until this is gone,” she said, pointing to the full mug of coffee.

Knox chuckled and handed her a plate. “What’s all this?” she questioned.

“Um, breakfast,” Knox breathed. “Most important meal of the day.”

“I usually don’t have time for breakfast,” she admitted.

“Well, today you do. You’re boss called and said to take your time getting into work today.” He bobbed his eyebrows at her and she giggled. Beck sat up to the kitchen island and began eating.

“This is really good, thanks,” she said. “As for my boss’s orders, I am going to have to take a pass. I have to run by my place, feet my cat, grab my gym clothes, and head to the casino for a workout.”

“You use the casino’s gym?” he asked.

“Yep,” she said, shoveling in another forkful of eggs. “It’s great that you and Ace put one in for your employees. I couldn’t afford a gym otherwise. I usually just went for a run in the morning before heading into the law firm, but your gym is great. It has everything I need for a full workout. I used it yesterday for my first day, and it helped to release some of the stress I was having over starting my job for you.”

“You were stressed about starting for me?” he asked.