
They spent the next hour eating and talking like two old friends catching up and Beck had to admit, if she was looking for a relationship, Knox would be just the kind of guy she’d fall for. But, her sister was right—a relationship with her new boss was a fucking awful idea. The rules that they had set up were a way of avoiding any catastrophes that might lose her a perfectly good job. She couldn’t let that happen because Beck was sure that finding another job in town might prove to be impossible.

It was her own stupid fault for settling in a college town full of law school students, chomping at the bit, willing to do just about anything for their first big break. Hell, most of them would sell their soul to get the chance to work at a casino like Knox’s place. He and Ace had finally settled on a name for their first casino—Aces Wild, which was convenient since that was Aces’s name—Ace Wild.

The second casino, which would be opening in the next few weeks, would be named after Knox and with a last name of Heart, the possibilities of coming up with a name were endless.

Beck was lucky to have landed the job with Knox and there was no way that she’d let her overly active libido ruin that for her. Sex was going to have to play a separate role between the two of them because her first and most important role with Knox, for her, was as his assistant.

When Knox stood and held out his hand for her, she nearly lost her breath. He was so handsome; he made her heart race every time that he smiled at her. “Ready?” he asked. She knew exactly what he was asking—was she ready to go back to his place and get on with the sex portion of their evening. It was a good question—was she ready to give up complete control to him in the bedroom and let him make demands of her that she might not be able to meet?

“Yes,” she lied. Because, ready or not, she was going to try to give Knox exactly what she had promised him. She wanted to try things his way to see what that was like. Most men that she had been with never asked her for anything like her submission and she had to admit when Knox did, it made her hot.

“You don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to, Honey,” he promised. He took her hand into his and led her out of the restaurant. “Did you drive here?” he asked.

“Yes,” she said, nodding over to her little beat-up red Corolla.

“Keys,” he ordered, holding out his hand. She handed them to him and he tossed them to the head of his security team that got out of his waiting SUV.

“Slater Tyson is your driver? I guess we’re adding him to the short list of people who know about us having sex then?” she asked. “I thought that he was the head of security for the casino.”

“He’s both,” Knox admitted. “If you’re worried about him spilling the beans, don’t be. He’s pretty damn good at keeping his mouth shut. He’s also my personal head of security, so when we leave the casino, he stays with me.”

“At your place?” she asked.

“Yep,” he said. “I have a pretty big place, so it’s not an issue. Slater has his own wing.”

“Wow,” she breathed. “I didn’t know that you two lived together.”

“We don’t live together, Beck,” he said. Slater chuckled as he slipped into her car. He almost looked too big to be sitting behind the wheel of her little car.

“He has a wing of my house and handles my security—both personally and professionally,” he said.

“Is that really necessary?” Beck asked. “You need someone to watch you twenty-four, seven?”

“I do, unfortunately. I don’t work in the most stable of businesses and sometimes, things get messy. Slater handles the messes so that I don’t have to.” Beck shivered and slipped into the passenger seat of his SUV.

“Am I about to sleep with someone from the mafia?” she squeaked. “Wait—if you tell me that, will you have to kill me?”

“No, Beck,” he laughed. “I’m not a mobster and I’m definitely not a super spy. I think that’s who you’re getting the whole, “I’ll have to kill you if I tell you,” thing from. Do you watch a lot of spy movies?” he asked. She shrugged, not wanting to admit that they were actually her favorite movies to watch.

“Maybe,” she said. Knox chuckled and leaned into the vehicle. “You make me happy,” he whispered. He dipped his head to gently brush her lips with his own. When she moaned against his mouth, he seemed to take that as his sign to deepen the kiss, allowing her to wrap her arms around his neck.

By the time Knox broke the kiss, she was needy and panting for air. “Wow,” she breathed.

“Yeah—wow,” he agreed. “Stay put,” he ordered, shutting her door. She watched as he rounded the SUV and slipped into the driver’s seat.

“Where is he taking it?” she asked. His brain still felt as if it hadn’t caught up with what she was asking.

“Where is who taking what?” Knox asked.

“My car,” she said. “Where is Slater taking my car?”

“Oh—back to your place,” he said. “Is your key to your apartment on your keyring?” he asked.

“Yeah,” she said. “Why?”

“Well, I can have him feed Loki if you’d like,” Knox offered.