“What if he does? What if Nate doesn’t want me around anymore and he tried to get Cam to let me go…”

“Stop. That’s just crazy talk. Get dressed, then see what Nate wants. I think you should wear that red dress you got today and make him realize all he’s missing.”

Jen glanced over at her sister. “You think so?”

“Yes. Let him see everything he gave up when he walked out on you.”

Technically, she’d been the one to walk away. But she didn’t argue with her sister. Instead, she sent Nate a text telling him she’d meet him later that night for dinner.

She didn’t let herself hope that he might have changed his mind. Maybe her talk with Cam had convinced Nate’s brother that she was sticking around for a while and Nate wanted to make sure they had no hard feelings between them.

She had no idea what he wanted. She only knew that the thought of seeing him tonight excited her. She had missed him. And even if this was the last time they were alone together, she wanted to make the most of it.

She took her time getting dressed. Made sure her makeup was flawlessly applied and then she did her hair. She let the long thick length stay down and when she put on her slim-fitting red dress and the killer stiletto heels she bought to go with it, she knew she looked good.

In fact, she thought she looked as beautiful as Nate had always told her she was.

She walked out of her bedroom and Marcia whistled. “You are going to knock that man on his ass.”

“He’s used to sexy women,” Jen said. She’d never been in this situation before. “I’m almost afraid to go tonight.”

“Don’t worry. Everything will work out okay.”

“Are you sure?” Jen asked.

Marcia laughed and shook her head. “No, I’m not, but I want it to work out for you, Jen. One of us deserves to be happy with the man we love.”

She took those words with her as she drove into Little Havana and to Luna Azul.

Nate was beyond nervous as he waited for Jen to arrive. The rooftop garden had been turned into a mini-paradise. There were flowers everywhere and Emma had pulled out the stops by bringing in fountains and trees adorned with twinkle lights and brightly colored Japanese lanterns.

The path from the rooftop entrance to the place where they would dine had been carpeted and rose petals sprinkled to lead the way to him and the table. Nate wore his tux and had a bottle of champagne chilling.

In his pocket was an antique engagement ring he’d found after spending several hours going from jewelry store to jewelry store searching for the one ring that seemed made for Jen.

Now he had everything in place. He’d made this area as perfect as he could and the only variable left was the human factor. The one thing he couldn’t control.

In his mind he’d rehearsed what he’d say to her. But he always hesitated when he got to confessing his love. He had no idea how those words were going to sound when he said them and he was a little afraid she’d throw them back in his face.

But he wasn’t going to let those fears stop him. Tonight he was going to ask her to marry him. He was going to tell her he loved her and they were going to have a chance at having a life together.

He’d invited his brothers and her sister and nephew to join them later in the evening for dessert and he really hoped they’d all be celebrating.

His phone pinged and he glanced down at the screen. The text message was from Cam.

She’s here.

Wish me luck, Nate texted back.

He cued the music on his iPod and had Dean Martin ready to go as soon as she arrived. There was little to do but wait.

As soon as he saw her, he forgot to breathe. She was beautiful. No, she was the most beautiful woman in the world. He couldn’t do anything but stare at her. And when she stopped walking and just looked at him, he was afraid she was going to turn and leave him.

“You are gorgeous,” he said. “Come over here.”

“Thank you,” she said, but stayed where she was. “You are very handsome in your tux.”

He bowed his head to acknowledge her compliment. “Please come to me, Jen.”

She shook her head. “I think I’m dreaming, Nate. I’m afraid to take another step and wake up and find…that this isn’t real.”

“What would convince you that this is real?”


He understood what she meant. He went to her and took her hand in his, brought it to his lips and brushed her knuckles with his lips. “Does this feel real?”

“Yes. Why are you doing this?”

He put his fingers over her lips. “I have everything planned. Come over here and sit down and I will tell you.”