Page 33 of Rescue You

“Awesome! How’d it go?”

“Great. I learned a lot of new stuff. I was in this lifting group with some pretty intimidating people.”

“I can’t believe you’re lifting weights.” Sunny giggled. “But, at the same time, it totally makes sense. Did you see Rhett?”

“Yes. He coached the class.”

“Good. Good. And were you able to talk?”

“You need to give me some time. This isn’t going to happen overnight.” Constance felt a zip of irritation. “I’m doing this carefully.”

“Of course. I’m sorry.”

“Listen. I didn’t tell you this before, but I’ve kind of already worked on Rhett’s leg. Before you even asked for my help. So, if you give me enough time, I’ll try to help him. But you have to be patient.”

“Are you serious?” Sunny’s voice was somewhere in the range of giddy.

“When am I not serious?”

“Good point.”

“And I’m doing this for him, just so you know. Not for you. I like him and I want to help him.” Constance glanced at the clock. She had exactly an hour to get home, shower, eat lunch and prep the room downstairs for the human clients scheduled for the day. All easy-peasy spa massages. “Anyway. Change of subject. You’re staying away from Janice’s dogs, right?”

The pause at Sunny’s end was a hair too long. “Yes. The detective and I have a deal. I’m not going over there, and I’m doing things lawfully. He’ll help me if I help him.”

Constance thought back to the day she’d worked Detective Callahan’s neck. Like all men in power positions, he wasn’t completely honest and he struggled with his own demons. But he seemed like a good guy, and probably had Rhett’s best interests at heart. “Okay. Just give me some time. And don’t do anything stupid.”

“Who?” Sunny’s voice went sweet as sugar. “Me?”