Page 58 of Rescue You

“Excellent.” Her apologetic smile turned a little wry. “The massage room is just around the corner here.” She pointed past the staircase. “Your appointment is at five. Drinks and hors d’oeuvres will be served in the great room—” she nodded toward the roaring fireplace “—at six, and dinner is in the dining room at seven.”

The massage. Rhett had forgotten all about that. He’d filled out the intake form weeks ago, before he’d canceled. His hand ran absentmindedly over his thigh, which felt stiff and icy. “About the massage—”

“Oh, you can’t cancel now,” Sunny interrupted, her voice kind but stern, like you’d talk to a toddler. “I could have filled your slot with five other people. Don’t worry. My therapist is the best in the county.”

Rhett bit back his words. Something about this woman kept him from being as harsh and forward as he could with the likes of Tatiana, and just about everyone else. “Five o’clock,” he said.

“And don’t forget, for this evening, ugly sweaters are encouraged, but not required.”

Ugly sweaters? Sunny wore a striking dress that highlighted her long legs. Rhett had packed jeans and a button-down, and not much more. He’d literally sweat through a sweater in a matter of minutes. “Thank you.” Rhett grabbed his duffel bag. He was pretty sure Sunny smirked at it as he made his way to the staircase. She gestured for him to unclip the barrier that closed off the stairs. Rhett undid the metal clasp, then closed it behind him. Sunny gave him the thumbs-up, then turned and headed into the great room.

The metal key slid into the large lock on the heavy wooden door and made a clicking sound when he turned it to the right. He pressed the door open to a room that smelled faintly of roses and vanilla. There was a four-poster queen bed in the center of the room, surrounded by curved windows. Rhett realized he was inside the tower that was farthest to the back of the house. The windows overlooked the garden, most of which had been turned over, but there was also a large greenhouse. It was a great view, even in winter; the ice on the trees gave everything a frosty glitter. In the spring, he imagined it sang with fresh blooms and insects and all sorts of life.

He peeked in the bathroom and saw a tub with claw feet and a deep, old-fashioned sink. He dropped his toothbrush there and went back to the main room, where he flopped on the bed. He closed his eyes and tried to breathe deep into his belly, slowly, for counts of ten. But sleep would not come. The silence made him feel almost itchy. He popped in his earbuds and started a fitness podcast, trying to focus on the main points and secretly hoping that he’d doze off.

No such luck. Before Rhett knew it, it was ten minutes to five. He sighed and made his way downstairs. The foyer was packed with people, coming and going in and out of the great room. Some were well dressed and others wore a wide range of ugly sweaters, everything from Santas in sequins to sweaters that actually flashed with lights.

Rhett hopped over the barrier at the bottom of the stairs and slipped around the corner to where Sunny said the massage room was. The wooden door had a glass insert that read Healing Touch Massage. It was ajar, so Rhett poked his head in. The room was lit with an assortment of electric candles. There was a table in the center, freshly made, and soft spa music was playing. It smelled of lavender and eucalyptus.

Rhett stepped inside and looked around, but nobody else was there. He sat down on a rolling stool and sighed. This wasn’t going to go well. He pictured himself lying there, wanting to toss and turn but unable to because a stranger would be rubbing lotion on his body and questioning him about his scars. The more he thought about it, the more anxious he got. He rolled around the room, to keep his legs busy, and checked out all the stuff. There was a towel warmer, the power light on, a small sound system, stacks of clean linens and a rolling laundry basket with discarded ones. In a cabinet, behind glass, was an assortment of small jars with rubber stoppers, oils, creams and lotions.

After he’d seen all there was to see, Rhett stood up and headed for the door. Just as he pulled it open, she came walking in, stopping just shy of slamming into his chest.

Rhett almost laughed. Of course. Why hadn’t he put two and two together?

Stanzi stared up at him, her hair pulled back in a pretty but professional barrette in a solid gold color. She wore blue scrubs and looked better to Rhett than any of those women in their tight dresses or flashing sweaters.

“Hi.” She held out her hand, a guilty crook to her mouth. “I’m Constance. I’ll be your massage therapist today.”