“Don’t be foolish—dragons can’t be called. Besides they don’t give rides.”

“One gave us a ride when I asked.” I sounded loopy but couldn’t help myself.

He pinned me with a penetrating look. I’d surprised him, not easy and always delicious, even as terrible as I felt. “It seems you did many things while…we were apart.”

“Believe me, I have stories to tell.”

“I want to hear them all.” He brushed my mouth with a tender kiss. So odd, this moment by moment exchange of caresses. I wasn’t even entirely sure which bargains still stood between us. Though Rogue would know. He probably had a lobe of his brain dedicated to exactly that purpose. Another thing I’d have to set straight later, when Icouldthink.

He carried me back to where the others were lunching in a clearing. Well—Starling and Athena were eating while Larch stood guard, scanning the skies. Darling Hercules came leaping through the yellowing grasses, projecting images of himself as a forest cat.

Starling stood, when she spotted us, “Lady Gwynn! Is everything all right? We—oh dear sweet Titania.”

Her gaze fell to my hands and I realized I’d forgotten to replace the bandages in my feverish fog. I’d never seen someone turn green before, but she did, pressing her fingers to her mouth.

“I’m taking Lady Gwynn to a healer,” Rogue informed her in a crisp tone. “Prepare her things.”

I would have told him not to order her about like one of his magicked-up dummy servants, but she snapped to attention from long habit, bobbed a curtsy and scurried to do as he said. Better for her than worrying about me.

Athena stood on tiptoes to peer at my hands. “Those claws are wicked cool. Going to keep them?”

I choked a little. Tried to make it a laugh. “I’d rather not.”

“You should.” She flicked a wink at Rogue. “I bet none of his other women have that.”

I loved her for being a smart-ass. And Starling for her steadfast loyalty, not wanting to leave my side. Yet I would be leaving them behind. “Rogue—we can’t leave them here.”

“We’ll be fine, Lady Gwynn.” Starling bustled up with a bag of my few supplies, soft brown eyes still wide with worry, the blond of her hair dulling with it. “Don’t you give a thought to us. We’ll see you at the Castle of the Dark Gods before long.”

The name rattled me and not only because of the ominous overtones. I obviously didn’t speak the fae language—sometimes I suspected each variety had their own dialect—and instead I telepathically understood the intent behind their words. Which was why they could all reference Titania, because they used euphemisms so as not to speak her name aloud.

The way this title translated in my head recalled what that innkeeper at Devils Tower had told me back in my world—that the Native American name meant place of the dark gods and it was the white settlers who figured that had to be the devil. Maybe the fever just had me confused.

“We’re going to where again?”

“My castle,” Rogue said in a dry tone.

Of course it was. “You never told me the name.”

“You never asked.”

“Oh yes, because you answerallof my questions.”

“Hush, or I’ll have Darling Hercules Goliath put you to sleep.”

“You wouldn’t dare. Besides, he’s my Familiar and he, at least has to come along.”

“Agreed, if only to help you with the pain.”

“But the others—what if they’re attacked again?” I fretted over it. Now I did want him to put me down. I needed to do something to see they were taken care of. But Rogue held me in an implacable grip, staring into the distance.

“Be still. They’re nearly here.”

Who was nearly here? But hoofbeats echoed over the meadow before I could form the question.

Out of the woods, a phalanx of black horses and armored riders appeared. At first I thought the soldiers wore helms, but as they drew closer it became clear that their headswerethe helmets—uncannily reminiscent of Cylons. The horses moved in perfect synchrony, also automatons. I shivered at the sight, which became a full-out shudder racking my body. Just how high had my fever gotten?

Rogue studied my face, answering my unvoiced question. “Reinforcements. They will convey your companions to my castle in the best safety I can offer. Acceptable?”