“Of course you are.”
I laughed. This was better. “Can you tell me how you did grow? I’ve seen images of you as a juvenile—not your adult self—were you an infant? Do you have a mother?” A daunting thought, a fae noble mother-in-law who would no doubt deeply disapprove of me as a match. All I needed.
Rogue didn’t reply. An answer right there. How else could I ask the question?
He strolled idly over to the basket of apples he’d brought me and selected one, holding it up for inspection. “After the wedding, I’ll take you on an excursion. A celebration of your freedom. Would you like that?”
Wiser to his ways at last, I nodded. He planned to show me then. Fascinating. Too bad we couldn’t go right away. Rogue chuckled, set the apple on my workbench and picked up my left hand, stroking the diamond, intent gaze full of warning. “First things first, however.”
“I know. I know.” Though it didn’tfeellike the correct order of priority to me. Still, to please him, I turned to my notes page and wrote:
1.Discuss wedding with Starling.
Though he couldn’t read it, I pointed to it and raised my eyebrows significantly. “There. Wedding is first. Happy?”
Rogue rewarded me with a kiss. “With you? Always. Do you wish to be present while I interrogate Fafnir?”
The image behind his intention chilled my blood. Though it hardly compared to what I’d done to the guy with my claws. Still. “No, that’s okay. But, um, there’s something you might ask him about.”
Rogue’s face hardened into sharp lines as I relayed what Fafnir had said about stealing Cecily’s corpse. “He’s a worse fool than I thought. I’ll discuss his plans with him. Among other things.”
“Is he trying to…resurrect her somehow?”
“If only.” Rogue gave me one more kiss, an absent one, his thoughts deeply shrouded. “I suspect something much worse. But I shall be sure to tell you what I find out.”
And, with those tantalizing words, he left.
Chapter 17
In Which I Perform a Cunning Array of Stunts
Much as I like thinking, sometimes it’s better just to actalready.
~Big Book of Fairyland, “PersonalNotes”
Okay, okay—I revisedthe list as soon as he left. But only to satisfy my own sense of order. I’d never been particularly inclined toward obsessive/compulsive disorder; however, as control in one area of my life slipped, I felt justified in getting persnickety about others.
Besides, I’d forgotten to ask how to summon Starling and I couldn’t exactly get going on el numero uno until I did. That moved things around right there. Feeling better, I surveyed my new list, now organized by short-term and long-term goals.
Okay, maybe I had a titch of OCD.
1.Explore mass-mind web
a.call Athena to bring scepter & dragon eggs
b.call Starling to discuss wedding
2.Plan wedding (or delegate to Starling)
3.Check in on Walter for Starling
4.Feed dragon
5.Add notes to grimoire on recent events. Perfect mass-mind calendar skills/add to timeline