“Yes, sir. You two join us when you’re ready. Or don’t,” she added with a snicker. “It might be best for all of us if you two go to your room and stay there.”

I couldn’t reply as Rogue had my mouth occupied, so I settled for flipping her the middle finger. She laughed. Translation complete.

Then I lost track of time for a bit, my own adrenaline-fueled desire blazing up to meet Rogue’s as I drowned in his touch. One would think we’d been apart for ages.

Only when his hand moved up my thigh, under the voluminous skirts, did I regain some sense and protest. Incoherently, as we’d never stopped kissing, just gasped for breath as we adjusted angles and devoured each other again. His long fingers brushed my swollen, wet labia and it shocked me enough to wrench my mouth away and push my hands against him. Rogue opened his eyes, lambent and full of hunger.

“We have an observer.” I jerked my head in the dragon’s direction. Judging by the floodlit amber glow around us, it was watching us still.

Rogue flicked a dismissive gaze at it. “I doubt she cares.” And nibbled on my neck, making my head swim.


“Why?” he asked, clearly stalling me and not interested in the answer. I’d pressed my thighs tight together and his fingers brushed the seam of them, teasing me. “I care, too—that’s what I’m proving to you.”

“No,” I laughed, feeling myself melt. “Besides we can’t have make-up sex until we’ve finished fighting.”

“What are we fighting about?”

“First of all, I can’t believe you thought that other…personwas me.”

He shrugged, rubbing me against him. “There were several and I knew none of them was you. I only followed after to discover who was behind it.”

“Leaving me to fend for myself.”

“I didn’t expect that you would run off with Fafnir.” Anger crept back into his voice and he nipped me.

“I didn’t! He abducted me.” And I really hated that it had been so stupidly easy.

“I didn’t know that then, did I?” he pointed out with calm logic. “Besides I knew you could take care of yourself, which you did, my resourceful and powerful Gwynn.”

I sighed, partly from arousal and mostly from the mix of pleasure at his faith in me and chagrin that I kind of wanted him to have worried about me more. Dumb atavistic feeling there. I was full of them lately. Pregnancy hormones? I’d heard stories like that. “How did you know she wasn’t me?” I insisted. Okay, fishing maybe.

“Because, my delicious Gwynn, she did not smell like you.” He ran the tip of his tongue along my throat.

“Smell?Thisis how you know me?”

“Yes.” He bit the cord of neck muscle under my ear and inhaled. “It’s something sorcerers without animals frequently forget.”

“Fafnir has an animal—a snake.”

“Doesn’t count. They can’t smell.”

Not exactly accurate. Their tongues had chemoreceptors that functioned in a similar way. I lost the thought, however—no doubt exactly as he intended—as he kissed his way down to my generously displayed bosom and, nudging the bottom lily aside, dipped his tongue in the crevice between my breasts, making me shiver with heat. “More, your scent here is unique to this spot. I believe I could identify each part of you in total darkness.”

“I certainly hope you weren’t sniffingherin that spot—or any other.”

“What if I did?” He sounded sly and tugged on the dress, freeing my nipple and taking it into his mouth. I clutched his hair, trying to keep my balance. “Would you punish me for it?”

“Not in the way you’re picturing, for you’d enjoy it far too much,” I replied in as tart a tone as I could manage, given the tantalizing things he did with his agile tongue. “And stop that. I am not putting on a show for the dragon.”Any more of a show, I mentally amended.

I could swear I heard a jewellike tinkle of amusement.

Rogue frowned over my shoulder at the dragon. “I believe your friend is indeed observing us.”

“Told you.”

“Perhaps she’ll give us a ride to our own tower then. We can have the champagne celebration you wanted. And I can spend more time enjoying you in this dress.” Though he allowed the scandalously low neckline to cover what it could again, his fingers continued to trace the curves of my bosom. I had to concentrate on what he’d said.