Uncanny the things she’d picked up from my head.
“You spoil that one,” Rogue spoke in my ear and handed me a shimmering crystal glass filled with ruby-red wine.
“Is that a problem?” I asked in all honesty, surveying his expression. He looked a bit exasperated, but not angry. I tasted the wine, braced for the Kool-Aid sweet stuff the fae tended to serve, pleasantly surprised by the smoky warmth of it. Too bad I couldn’t drink much of it.
“Not yet. But the other servants will notice and there will be trouble. Also, in your inattention, you snubbed Lord and Lady Ladybug.”
I couldn’t help it, I giggled. “Really? I mean, oh no.”
He took my hand, thumb passing over the diamond. “Truly. Perhaps it’s for the best that you were only distracted and not laughing in their faces.”
Another couple, covered in matching outfits of salmon-pink feathers, came up and bowed. I practiced looking regal, going for a Grace Kelly style of poise, managing to hold it until they finished saying their inane social things that always translated as utter nonsense or outright lies to me—a huge reason I abhorred these sorts of social occasions—and wandered off to be seated.
“A noble effort.” Rogue sounded not at all convincing.
“Hey, you knew I was socially challenged when you roped me into this gig.”
“True. I’m not marrying you for your hostessing skills.”
“Nice. Be honest—am I screwing this up? Starling said tonight is important.”
“You’re doing fine. Just pay attention when they address you, nod, smile. And control your temper on this next one,” he added, squeezing my hand.
Uh-oh. I followed his gaze only to see one of my top five least favorite people in Faerie. A notable achievement, as I had a lot of folks on that list. Lady Incandescence—though I liked to call her Nasty Tinker Bell, due to her irascible personality and arrogant attitude, and for nearly pouring soup over my head when I was an invalid—pranced down the black runner, totally naked but for her porno-blond hair and a pair of transparent heels with black ribbons that crisscrossed her long legs to finish in a petite bow at her crotch. The first time I saw her I’d thought she could be Rogue’s fraternal twin. Over time I’d become better at distinguishing the fae features and now saw she looked nothing like him, other than being the same species.
“Who does she think she is,” I muttered under my breath to Rogue, “the Queen Bitch herself?”
“I feel certain her ambitions reach at least that high, though they may overreach her abilities.”
Rogue raised his voice as she drew near and thanked her for welcoming his fiancée, using a formal tone clearly meant to be a reminder to me. Fine.
“Lord Rogue.” She slipped a finger into the black bow on her mons, tugging at it suggestively. “You haven’tvisitedme since your return. I’ve been so lonely. I thought surely you’d tire of slumming it.”
“It hadn’t crossed my mind to do so.” He sounded gratifyingly uninterested. “You’ve met my fiancée, the Sorceress Gwynn.”
“Lady Incandescence.” I tried to emulate Rogue’s tone, totally mollified that he’d referred to me by my abilities, rather than arm candy status. “What a surprise to see you tonight.”
She giggled ostentatiously. Oh yeah, definitely a Titania wannabe. Exactly what we did not need.
“A surprise?” she cooed. “Not so. After all, I live here.”
I supposed I knew that. Not so wonderful to have it thrown in my face, but that was why she’d said it.
“So many people live here!” I exclaimed, using my mother’s brightest social voice. “It’s a wonder anyone can remember you’re here at all.”
Her fake smile froze. “I remember you though. It seems only yesterday I had to spoon-feed you soup.”
Such a sweetheart. “Funny, isn’t it? And now here I am—equal to Lord Rogue’s authority in this castle.”
That pissed her off, her pretty gilt eyes flying to Rogue for confirmation. I held my head high, really hoping I’d understood Starling correctly and hadn’t misspoken.
Rogue picked up my left hand and kissed the diamond ring. “As my lady deserves and will exercise as she sees fit.”
Nasty Tinker Bell’s gaze fastened on the stone and her pupils visibly dilated. I caught a burst of emotion from her—with stunned anger predominant. She stalked off, her tiny ass clenched.
“Please tell me she can’t do magic.”