“Yes.” My laugh sounded watery. “But, see, this is who I am. I’m the person who’s always used knowledge to understand and control my world. Maybe I’m the one wandering in the dust storm. How can I save my child when I’m in danger myself? A danger as huge and as far beyond me as a force of nature.”

Rogue pressed a kiss to the top of my foot, then to the instep, sending a warm current up to my heart. “Because you have me. I will clear the dust storm and bring you water. If you get lost, I will find you. If Fafnir had succeeded, which he didn’t, because your powers are far greater than any of his or his foolish cabal’s, then I would have found you. Haven’t I always found you before, when you tried to hide from me?”

“This is an excellent point.” Ironic, even.

He turned on his hip, kissing my ankle and tracing a line up my calf muscle with his mouth. I had to shift to accommodate the stretch, which opened my legs.

“Trust me in this, my Gwynn, together we can win. Perhaps I frighten you with my cautions, but I would never have gambled all I have if I didn’t believe we could triumph.”

“You don’t know any more about birthing a baby than I do.”

“Lady Healer will assist.”

“She doesn’t know humans.” Besides, I didn’t trust her.

“Then we’ll find someone who does.” His mouth found the sensitive skin on the back of my knee and I hummed at the sweet sensation.

“Mistress Nancy. I want to see if she’ll come help me.”

“Done. Whatever that canny woman decides to charge.” He lifted my knee higher, his desire meeting mine with renewed strength as I melted under his lips and tongue. Pushing my thighs wider apart, he kissed his way up the tender skin there.

“Is this you not distracting me with sex?”

“This is me, drying your tears and rewarding you for telling me what was in your heart. Besides, it seems we’ve discussed everything on your agenda.” He turned fully now, hands sliding up inside my robe to cup my bottom and coax me to the edge of the chair. Giving me a wicked smile, he opened my robe, gazed down at my naked, already wet sex and licked his lips. “Consider me seduced. Let me please you, my Gwynn. Unless you’re saying no.”

Like I could manage to, when he looked at me that way. “Please me then,” I whispered.

His hands flexed hard on my hips, the barest of warnings. I lost my breath when his avid mouth seized me, and I didn’t regain it again for a long time thereafter.


My body nearlylimp with relaxation, but my mind and nerves buzzing with energy, I felt at least more in equilibrium and ready to deal. Purged of both emotional and physical tension, I dressed in the least over-the-top gown I could dig out of my closet, resisting the urge to modify it, and brushed out my hair again.

Rogue remained where I left him, looking out over the countryside with his hands clasped at the small of his back, that sense of shimmering impatience coalescing around him, as if the sexual release lifted it only briefly. He turned to survey me, taking in my mental and emotional state also.

“Back to your agenda, then?” he asked.

“Yes. Dragons to feed, weddings to plan—a woman’s work is never done.”

“Then winter solstice is agreeable to you?”

I ignored the pang of trepidation and shrugged. “Might as well. I already said yes. Delaying won’t change anything.”

“And might make our situation worse.”

“There is that,” I agreed. I wound my fingers together. So odd how I could feel totally at home with Rogue one moment and tentative the next. “So…I’m going to do some planning. Get my act together on several fronts. What are you up to this afternoon?”Catch up on email? Maybe some pickup basketball and a beer with the guys?

“I thought I’d interrogate Fafnir, see what else I can find out about this purported cabal of his, and fetch Mistress Nancy to attend you.”

“You mean, you’ll ask her.”

Rogue frowned at me. “I already promised that you’ll have her assistance. Would you have me leave room to fail you in that?”

I sighed. “It wasn’t a promise. I absolve you of it. Take me with you and I will ask her. I’d rather do that anyway.”

He’d started shaking his head before I finished talking. “It’s not safe for you to leave the castle until we’re married. And don’t get that look on your face like you get when you start talking about how I want to lock you up. You know full well how tempting you are—for Fafnir’s ilk and others like them. It’s only for a few days.”

“Fine.” I tried to make it sound calm and not irritated.