“Oh, Titania, no! I think she’d be revolted, with her human sensibilities. I returned later and removed Cecily in secret. The grave will appear undisturbed.”

“And what do you plan to do…” I trailed off, my own sensibilities jangling.

“I’m hoping for your assistance there. You have a unique combination of skills, Sorceress Gwynn, with both your powerful magic and understanding of mortal flesh.”

“I see.” I couldn’t think of anything else to say. Athena, with impeccable timing, walked up right then.

“Can I fetch anything for you, Lady Gwynn?” she asked, the soul of discretion.

“Would you find Lord Rogue and let him know I’m taking a break from dancing and where I am?”

Her blue-fringed eyes wide and full of polite obedience, she nodded, then spun her dagger between her fingers. “A pleasure to see you again, General Fafnir. I’ll be back straight away.”

Multiple messages delivered. Better.

“I’m surprised Rogue lets you keep that one. She’s most insolent.”

“Lord Rogue doesn’t decide for me.”

“Doesn’t he?” Fafnir’s expression took on an acquisitive gleam. “I’d hoped that might be true, given how badly he’s treated you and only offering you marriage after the fact. You know he was off fucking Titania, yes? Very bad form, even if they’ve been lovers for centuries. I would treat you far better, Sorceress.” He took my hand. “Come away with me. I will cherish and protect you. We can work together. Let this be my favor to you—I’ll spirit you away this very night.”

“But…” My thoughts struggled to latch on to something that made sense, though I possessed the presence of mind to snatch my hand away. “I promised to marry Lord Rogue. I can’t be foresworn.”

“Did you agree to a date? I understand the wedding is not yet firmly set.”

I pressed my lips on the reply, unwilling to give him any further fuel.

“Aha!” Fafnir pounced on the opening regardless. “Rogue has always been overconfident with females. It will not bother me if you remain engaged to him. Indeed, it will provide a useful leash for us to control him.”

I laughed at that, right in Fafnir’s face. Absurd to think anyone could control Rogue.

Fafnir’s visage clouded with angry insult, but I was beyond caring at this point. Surely he counted as alienated already. “You laugh at me, Sorceress, but we’ve carefully planned for this, for much longer that you can know. Rogue may think I’ve lost the game, but there’s more than one way to play.”

We?This must tie into my talkative spy and the other sorcerers Rogue had thought to tease out with this party. Looked like he’d done a fine job of it. I needed to play along, if I wanted to find out more.

“I don’t mean to laugh.” I twisted the diamond ring, trying to sound contrite and fearful. “It’s just that he’s so powerful. How could I possibly escape him?”

Fafnir radiated all kinds of smug. “We have taken care of it. Come with me and you’ll be safely hidden before he knows you’re gone.”

I frowned, going for befuddled. “But he keeps close tabs on me, why wouldn’t he miss me immediately?”

Fafnir leaned in, lips cold as they brushed my ear. I had to steel myself not to recoil. “I am part of a powerful cabal. As we speak, several simulacrums of you are leading Rogue on a merry chase. I have transport on the roof. Come with me now.”

Dammit. This explained why Athena hadn’t returned, if she was chasing Rogue while he followed “me.” He should have let me warn him. Still, I didn’t think the danger was all that great. I’d simply refuse to go.

“Who are they?” I whispered back. When suspicion creased his brow, I hastily added, “Your cabal, how can I trust they’re powerful enough to protect me if I don’t know?” I suspected this might be the first time in my life I’d had occasion to use the wordcabal.

“Believe me, Sorceress, they are. And all with a vested interest in the child you carry. There’s one more thing. Recall that I said Mistress Nancy sent you two messages?”

Ooh. I’d bet money I didn’t want to hear this.

“She also asked me to point out that, despite my wish not to, I was forced to turn over my and Cecily’s baby. Take heed of that lesson, for Rogue, despite whatever pretty love tokens he gives you—” and here his gaze caressed the lily necklace, “—has long been Titania’s creature. She turned him before and she can do it again. Neither you nor the child is safe with him. Look into my mind and you’ll see the truth of it.”

Unbidden an image came to mind, the old painting of the serpent tempting Eve in the Garden of Eden. The snake hadn’t lied to her, had just broken the shell of her innocent ignorance. I had no doubt Fafnir believed every word he said. But knowledge could be used many ways. Though Fafnir’s cautions echoed fears I already nursed, I would take my chances with Rogue.

“I’ll think about it,” I tempered, going for fearful indecision.

“There’s no time. It must be tonight. It must be now.” Fafnir’s hand snaked out, but I dodged it and stood.