“What will I do if I can’t get rid of them?” I said against his velvet skin.

He stroked my hair. “There is always a way. Besides, you were the one to show me the advantages of having the Dog. That magic will be exceedingly useful in the days to come.”

“I wonder why that circumvents Titania’s grip.”

“What made you suggest it to me? Surely you had a reason to think it, knowing you.”

I traced another line, that forked over his abdomen—like walking a meditation maze—and thought back to the moment when the inspiration had hit me to tell Rogue to shift into the Dog, which was more like setting it free from his flesh than anything, to shake Titania’s grip on his mind. “Because the Dog can cross the Veil and Titania cannot. Therefore, the Dog possesses an ability that transcends her. Also the Dog isn’t bound by vows and agreements—thus it logically follows that the Dog is beyond her reach.”

“Only to your mind.” He sounded admiring, which I secretly loved.

“Do you think my cat will be the same way?”

“It logically follows,” he replied, making me laugh. “We canexperimentsome more.”

My face flushed hot at the intimate reminder of how he’d played with me. Learning me. His cock rose too. Apparently ever ready. I ran a light claw toward it and his fingers circled my wrist like steel cable.

“Worried?” I teased him, instantly breathless from the surge of desire the feel of him restraining my wrist sent through me.

“While it would grow back, I’d prefer not to lose another moment using it on you,” he returned. “Speaking of which…” Before I knew it, he’d neatly flipped me on my back and settled between my thighs, pinning my wrists to the bed on either side of my head.

“I thought we were done.” Then I gasped when he slid into me, smooth as silk and strong as iron.

“Never,” he averred and moved, slow and sweet, dropping light kisses on my face, like a warm rain.

The pleasure ran through me with the same golden gentleness, filling and tantalizing, like devouring fresh-baked bread. This time, when I came, instead of crying out, I simply sighed out his name, saturated with the exquisite satiation.

Rogue placed his last kiss in the dimple below my lower lip, pressing his mouth there. Once more, he whispered, “Never.”

Releasing my wrists, he relaxed over me, our bodies still entwined. I wanted to run my fingers down his back.

“We’ll work on it today,” he said, into my hair, clearly hearing my thought.

“Today? Is it already past midnight?”

“Yes. Dawn approaches.”

I doused the candles, so the night sky bloomed all around us. “It looks dark to me still—how do you know?”

“Open your mind and I’ll show you.”

As if it wasn’t already open to him, in every way, with him still buried inside me. I felt pliant and permeable to him. With languid ease, he took my mental hand and directed my senses to another plane. The life energies of all the fae around looked like fireflies. Rogue nudged me to see the web between them, filaments of light, some like cables, others bare spider-silk wisps.

The hive mind.

I’d always known it had to be there—judging by the way the fae all seemed to know the same things—but I hadn’t known where to look for it. Pointing me in a slightly different direction, Rogue showed me how the fibers also extended to the trees, the earth—and the sun, stars and moon. All interconnected in a way that filled me with awe.

Rogue touched a filament to the sun, like plucking the string of a harp, and the knowledge filled my head too. Perhaps an hour from rising.

“You see?” Rogue’s voice pulled me back from it.

“Yes.” Extraordinary.

“Do you want to sleep?” he asked, levering up and brushing a lock of hair from my face.

“I should be exhausted, but I feel wide-awake. Not sure why.”

He gave me that wicked smile of his. “I told you that lovemaking with me would be restorative.”