“She does. She can’t tell me much, unfortunately.” I bit back some tears and turned the conversation onto them. “I’m worried about you two, as well, though.”
“What?” Zoey questioned.
“Us?” Lily tapped her chest.
“Yes, you. You two sharing a guy. He’s lovely and all that, but I’m worried you’re going to get hurt if he ends up choosing one of you over the other. Your friendship comes first, and I don’t want to see us all bust apart over a root.”
“Over a what?” Zoey asked.
“A shag?”
Still with the bemused looks.
“A fuck!” I clarified.
“Oh! No, that’s not going to happen!” Lily said.
I wasn’t so sure. “What if it does?”
“Trust us, it won’t,” Zoey insisted.
I threw my hands up in the air. “Oh, yes, that’s so reassuring.”
“Aria. We’re not only involved with Joe,” Lily told me as she squeezed my hand.
I paused in stroking Mama’s ears. “What do you mean?”
“Well . . .” Lily’s gaze ticked to Zoey’s, “we’re together, as well. Kind of like a trio.”
“It’s called a throuple. We’re dating Joe, he’s dating us, and we’re dating each other,” Zoey explained.
If I didn’t close my mouth soon, flies were going to buzz in there. Flies weren’t even that bad in Brooklyn—not after you’d grown up in the Aussie bush, anyhow.
“So, you’re both . . .?” I trailed off as I tried to wrap my head around it.
“Bisexual.” A deep blush covered Lily’s cheeks. “Zoey’s the first time that I-I’ve been with a woman.”
“I’m not judging,” I assured her. “But I had no idea you felt this way about one another.”
“Neither did we,” Lily said.
I thought about things for a few moments as I looked at both my friends. My two truest friends in the whole world werea couple.No, what had they called it? Athrouple.A smile spread across my face. “I’m so happy for you both! If you get married, I want to be the maid of honour.”
“Or do you mean matron of honor?” Zoey asked, nudging me.
“I have to be married for that to happen.”
Lily and Zoey smirked at one another. “We know,” they said in unison.
I blushed. “Oh my gosh, shut up.”
All they did was laugh.
“I’m going to bed.” I got to my feet. “Goodnight, lovers.”
“Goodnight, Logan lover!” Zoey zinged back.
With a laugh, I led Mama into my bedroom, closed the door, and hoped I’d end up as happy as they were.