Page 49 of Unaware

“Hey, Joe,” Zoey said with a head nod.

“Is everything okay?” I asked.

Joe smiled and nodded. “I managed to get you guys a VIP area. Are you interested?”

Zoey’s mouth fell open. “Hell yeah, we’re interested!”

“Only because it’s Lily’s birthday, and it’s not often we get Aussies in here.”

Was the smile Joe flashed us flirtatious? I didn’t want him to get the wrong idea. I considered myself very much a taken woman.

“What’s a VIP area?” I asked Lily as we followed Joe.

“It’s our own space where we can have fun without the crush,” Lily said as she pointed to the crowd. “You’re going to love it.”

Joe waved us into an area at the back of the club, right beside the stage where the DJ was playing. The booth was one of a handful of VIP lounges. There was enough room to sit and drink on the white suede couch or to stand and dance if we wanted to.

“If you need drinks, you let me know. You’ve also got a private VIP-only bar behind you, there. That’s where the VIP bathrooms are, too,” Joe informed us.

My line of sight followed his pointed finger to the sleek, white bar behind our booth. It was situated in a much quieter part of the club. “I could get used to this.”

Lily stroked the man’s arm and hung her head to one side. “Stay with us, Joe.”

Joe shook his head. “Sorry, sweetheart, I’m on duty.”

“But it’s my birthday,” Lily said with a pout.

Joe relented somewhat. “How about I be your bouncer for a while?”

“Yay!” Lily clapped her hands together and bounced up and down on the spot.

“But I can’t drink and I can’t party. I’m happy to stand here and look scary, though.”

Zoey and Lily giggled.

“It’s lucky we know the difference, right?” I said.

“Oh, no. He doesn’t justlookscary, heisscary,” Zoey assured me. “This guy is trained in every self-defence and martial art skill known to man.”

Joe nudged Zoey with his elbow. “There’s no need to exaggerate. But yeah, I like being able to defend myself and beautiful women like you three.”

Wow, this Joe guy was smooth, as well as sexy. I could see why Lily was hanging off him like a groupie. If my heart didn’t already belong to someone else, I could see myself being into him, too. “I think you’re going to do great things in the Navy,” I said.

He looked at me with the deepest sincerity. “Thank you.”

Without another word, I sat down and took another sip of my drink.

“Now, if you don’t mind, ladies, I’d better get back to work.”

“Gotcha.” Lily held her hand up placatingly and sat beside me on the couch. “Damn, Joe is hot!”

“You don’t have to tell me twice,” Zoey said.

“You know I can still hear you?” Joe stated as he glanced over his shoulder at us and ticked one eyebrow upwards.

Lily giggled, but it didn’t restrain her from asking, “How do you know him so well?”

“In case you’ve forgotten, I’m a regular on the nightlife scene because of my work, and we became friends ages ago. Right, Joe?”