“Oh, come on, we’re both women, we both have the same parts,” Zoey said.
“Zoey!” I snapped.
“Fine.” She rolled her eyes and turned away.
Once I was sure she wasn’t peeking, I shed my towel and put on my underwear. Then I slid into my dressing gown. Mama watched me from her bed with those big, sad eyes of hers.
“Okay, you can turn back,” I told Zoey.
Zoey’s green eyes grew wide. “Holy schmoly!”
I studied myself in the mirror. “Are you sure wearing my dressing gown will pass?”
“Hell yeah, it will. As long as you stop calling it a dressing gown and begin saying it's a wraparound dress instead.” Zoey adjusted the front and twisted it slightly. She held the twist in place with a tiny pin. “You won’t need the sash,” She added and cut off the loops with her nail scissors.
“You’re cutting up my gown?”
Zoey glared up at me. “Would you please just trust me?”
“Fine,” I mumbled.
Zoey led me to Lily’s bedroom and sat me down in front of the dresser. She brushed out my hair, giving volume and shininess to my red locks, before pinning it back from my face with hair pins, then she began on my face. She touched up my face, painted my lips red and lined my eyes until they looked smoky and sexy. Then, she scoured through Lily’s vast collection of earrings and selected a pair of silver and diamond hoops.
By the time Zoey had finished with me, I barely recognised myself.
“Wow!” Lily gushed.
I glanced at her in surprise. I hadn’t realised she’d joined us.
“Aria, you look like a proper New York party girl. What do you think of my outfit?” Lily swished her hips, allowing the sequins of her tiny dress to catch the light.
“How on earth are you keeping your breasts in?” I asked.
“Lotsof Hollywood tape,” Lily admitted.
The three of us laughed.
“Come on. Let’s have one drink to start the night and then we’ll head out,” Zoey said. She hugged my arm and took Lily’s hand and led us to the kitchen. Zoey set out three shot glasses and poured us all a vodka shot. “This is the first drink of Lily’s twenty-fifth year,” Zoey said.
“Well, almost,” Lily said.
We each picked up a glass.
“We are going to go out, we’re going to celebrate, most importantly, we’re going to stick together. Right?” Zoey shouted.
“Right!” Lily said.
I nodded silently.
“Then let’s go, babes!”
They threw back their drinks and I followed suit. Here was to the night that was to come . . . whatever events came with it.