Page 42 of Unaware

“I agree. It will take your mind off Logan and give you someone else to love.” Zoey smiled when the dog licked her nose. “Look at all the love she has to give!”

I remembered to temper my expectations. This dog wasn’t mine, and even if I decided to keep her, there would have to be a lot of assessments made first—both of her and of me. I would have to train her and show that I was capable of being the right owner for her, while she would need to go through temperament tests before she could be placed. It would be no good if she turned out to be aggressive in any way. “Let’s get her settled in first and we’ll go from there.” I looked at the dog’s demeanour—there was no way she was an aggressive girl.

Lily took the dog pillow out from under my arm. “Where do you want this?”

I pointed to my bedroom, ignoring Lily’s knowing smile and we took the dog in there. We set her up in the corner beside my bed, then went back to enjoy a dinner of vegetarian lasagne and a green leafy salad.

“How was your day?” I asked my companions as I lifted my glass of red wine to my mouth.

“Mine was so much fun. The items for the new exhibition about the Brooklyn Italians came in, and I’m so excited to work on setting them up tomorrow,” Lily gushed. “Which no doubt means I’ll be working very late over the next few days, so don’t expect me for dinner.”

“Don’t worry, I think we’ll be eating lasagne for the next week,” Zoey said. She took her turn to answer my question. “I found out that my article on Virginia Beach’s nightlife performed extremely well, so we’ve decided to make writing an article on funky scenes outside the city a regular thing. Which means I’ll be traveling a whole lot more, so if either of you ever want to join me, I’m more than happy for the company.”

“I’ll certainly take you up on that,” Lily said, her eyes full of excitement.

I was less enthusiastic about joining them, given my dislike of the clubbing scene.

Zoey clearly noticed my anxiety. She reached over and squeezed my hand. “If you ever want to come with us, I promise from the bottom of my heart that what happened at Hot Tuna will never happen again.”

“Right. We will stick to you like glue, we promise,” Lily said with a nod.

“I’ll think about it.” I could hardly meet their eyes, so I poked my lasagne with my fork instead.

I felt a cold nose nudge my arm and glanced down to see the pit bull gazing up at me with her big, brown, soulful eyes. I knew no matter how much resolve I pretended to have, this pup was going to do her absolute best to melt it away.

“Oh, yeah, sure she’s only a foster dog,” Zoey said with a giggle.