Page 16 of Unaware

There it was. His question meant I no longer had to wonder. It seemed Logan was straightforward, just like my grandfather.

I shook my head. “No.”

“You’re not used to a man holding your hand? A man who honestly wants to get to know you as a person, but who also finds you beautiful inside and out?” Logan continued.

“No,” I said again.

“Well get used to it. I know it’s not why you came to Virginia Beach, but can you keep an open mind?”

My throat seemed to close up and my voice squeaked out. “I’m not imagining it, then? Your feelings for me?”

“No,” Logan replied. He squeezed my hand and leaned towards me. “Aria, I think you’re beautiful and intelligent, and I’d like nothing more than to get to know you better. If this is all so new to you, then I thank you for being open with me.”

“You make it easy to be.” I’d never met a guy like Logan before. If I was honest with myself, I wanted to get to know him better, too. We had an easy rapport that would be great to build upon. I twisted my fingers around his and said, “I’ll happily keep an open mind.”

The Ferris wheel lowered our cage back to the ground. We stepped out of the cage and this time, as we walked along, I took Logan’s hand. There was no mistaking the smile he sent me, though I pretended not to notice. I didn’t want to come across as too eager. I wanted to take my time with this.

After climbing the rock wall and going on the Paratrooper, we made our way to an area called Midway where there were loads of games. Logan stepped up to a booth and picked up a toy gun. “What would you like to win?”

“Um . . .” I shrugged, “the unicorn is pretty cute.”

“How many points do I need for the unicorn?” Logan asked.

“Two hundred points, sir,” the attendant said.

“How many cups do I need to knock down to get that?”

The young boy looked perplexed. “It’s all based on which colour cup you hit, and how many shots you want to take.”

“Can I take five shots?”

“Sure. That’s ten dollars.”

Logan handed the boy a ten-dollar bill. “Aria, you’re going to have that unicorn.”

“No pressure, Logan. If I don’t, I don’t,” I said, waving my hands at him.

Logan gave one hard shake of his head. “Nope. I’m a SEAL on a mission. Failure isn’t an option.”

Logan lifted the toy gun as though it was a real weapon and even took up what I figured was the proper trained stance. His gaze was razor sharp, and so was his attention on the targets. With five pops, he managed to shoot down five cups of differing colours.

The attendant’s jaw dropped. “Whoa . . ..”

I silently echoed his sentiment.

Logan grinned and puffed his chest out. “I’ll have the unicorn, please.”

“Dude, you get two prizes,” the attendant said.

“Oh. Okay. Aria, what else would you like?”

“Why don’t you choose something for yourself?” I suggested.

“Alright, I’ll have one of those drink bottles.” Logan pointed to the row of drink canisters on the lower shelf.

The teenager picked up a blue transparent plastic drink bottle and a white plush unicorn and handed both prizes over to us. The satin horn reflected the sunlight as I carried the large stuffed animal in my arms.

“This is actually incredibly cute. She’s no Romeo, but I’ll cherish this white and pink unicorn for all time,” I joked.