Page 12 of Unaware

“It was great. I found a friend,” Lee said.

“Hey. Aria, right?” Liam said as he turned towards me.


Liam released his wife and shook my hand. “Good to see you again.”

“You, too, Liam.”


I saw Logan on the staircase and my mouth fell open. “Logan . . . hi.”

Logan smiled at me. “This is a nice surprise.”

I felt myself begin to blush and buried my face in the pamphlets in an attempt to hide my reaction.

“Aria made princess sandcastles with me,” Arabelle said. “She’s a special princess because her name starts with an ‘A’ just like mine!”

“Well, that’s cool. I didn’t know you were so good with kids,” Logan said as he tried to catch my eye.

“Neither did I. I guess they’re kind of like pets, right?” Liam and Lee glanced at each other in confusion. “I-I mean, if I’m good with animals, why wouldn’t I be good with kids?”

“Yeah, that’s a good point,” Liam agreed. “Does that mean we should get a d-o-g?”

“Don’t even think about it,” Lee responded.

I tucked the pamphlets into my purse. “And now I’m off to explore. Thanks, Lee. I’m sure I’ll see you again soon.”

“Actually, Aria, I know you said you wanted to explore the Virginia Beach area alone . . . but maybe Logan could explore with you?” Lee nudged Liam.

“Yeah, right.” Liam turned to Logan. “I mean we’re finished talking about man stuff, and you ought to get to know the area, too, since you just bought a house here and all. You two will be like two peas in a pod.”

Logan and I both narrowed our eyes at the couple. They were clearly trying to play matchmaker.

I shook my head slightly. “I’ll see you both whenever.” I walked through the house and out the front door.

I stomped along the footpath and fumed.Matchmaking. What the hell were they thinking?


“Ugh, what?” I growled. I spun around to find Logan jogging after me. When Logan pulled up short, I sighed. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to snap at you.”

“It’s okay.” Logan fell into step beside me. “Sorry about them.”

“It isn’t your fault. No offense to you, Logan. You’re a nice man and all, and I think you’re attractive, but I get sick and tired of people looking at my singledom as if there’s something wrong with it and trying to force me into some romantic situation that I may or may not want. Because it’s never about me or the person they’re trying to set me up with. They look at a single woman and automatically think that we must be so incredibly unhappy and sad and pathetic if we’re not in a relationship.”

Logan pushed his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “I agree with you. They do it to guys, too. Except they expect single guys like me to hook up with randoms, not necessarily get into a relationship.”

“Is that why your mates took you to the Hot Tuna last night?” I asked.

“Yeah. That’s exactly why mymatesdid that.” Logan chuckled. “I like that word.”

I did as well.

Logan grimaced. “Look, don’t be too hard on Liam and Lee. They want everyone to experience what they have, which is marital bliss. I guess when they saw us together, they made something up in their heads. First Liam got me a job with Lee’s boss, and now Lee has it in her mind that I ought to find someone to share my new life with. Their intentions are good, but I’ll tell them to dial it back.”

“At least they’re not wanting you to hook up with a random, I suppose.”