Page 9 of Unaware

“Sure, but we can understand that it will take some time to adjust,” Zoey said. “I have an advantage—I’m a New Yorker, born and bred.”

Lily lifted her hand into the air. “And growing up in L.A. helped me.”

“You’re on the other side of the world, living in a city with a third of the population of your entire country. We need to remember that, and you need to give yourself a break.”

“I don’t want to stay mad at either of you,” I moaned.

Both girls came and smothered me in hugs.

“We’re sorry we didn’t think about you. We’re bad friends,” Lily said.

“I overreacted.”

“No, you were scared. We’ll take better care of you from now on,” Zoey vowed.

“Let’s take care of each other,” I said.

“Yes, let’s.” Lily broke the hug first and clapped her hands together. “Now, who would like to explore Francis Land House with me? It’s an awesome local museum.”

Zoey and I pulled away from my friend as though she was suddenly made of poison. “I think I’d rather go to bed and sleep off last night.”

“I’m going to go walking along the beach.”

“Suit yourselves. I’ll see you later this afternoon.” Lily picked up her sunglasses and cute blue purse, which matched her shorts. “What do you both say to ordering takeout tonight and eating dinner on the pier?”

“Sounds great,” I said.

Zoey tapped her chin. “I may be hanging out with the duo tonight.”

“The duo?” Lily repeated.

“Yeah, the pair I hooked up with last night. I call them the duo.” When we pouted at Zoey, she held up her hands. “I can always do that after our pier dinner.”

“See you both then,” I said, dismissing them.

Zoey pecked my cheek. “Nighty-night.” She practically fell into the second bedroom and threw herself haphazardly onto the first single bed within reach.

I pulled the door shut, then went to take a shower.

* * *

It was, indeed, the perfect day. I carried my sandals in one hand as I walked down the beach to the water’s edge. The water was a nice temperature, a little chillier than back in Queensland but still refreshing.

As I walked along, I thought about Zoey’s insight into last night. She had to be wrong. Logan was being nice to me, that’s all. He helped me out of a couple of scrapes and then we went to dinner.

Just like a date.

No, not a date. A thank you.

But he paid the bill.

Bloody hell, my mind was so muddled up. I couldn’t read too much into it. I’d never been lucky in love and it wasn’t like things would be any different in America. It wasn’t some magical country where you said, “poof” and love and romance happened as if by some sleight of hand.

I was okay with not having that. I was okay with carrying on with my life as usual and enjoying this latest chapter of it. Living and working in New York and visiting Virginia Beach during the summer were tearing my world wide open and inviting in possibilities I never thought possible.

Possibilities like going into the water. I’d been to the beach many times, but I’d never swam in the ocean before. I was too self-conscious to wear a swimsuit and there was no way I’d open myself up to being picked on. So I stuck to paddling in the shallows.

As I walked along, I noticed a familiar woman playing with two children on the sand. It was Natalie, the woman who was at the restaurant last night.